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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. I have two concerns when determining who I'm going to support. Policy and personal character. I'll give up some of one of these for the other. I do reach a floor on personal character sooner. For the first time in my life I didn't cast a vote for POTUS in 2016. I felt strongly that Clinton had little to no moral or ethical character. I wasn't sure about Trump but didn't have a good feeling. In 2020 I knew I wasn't going to vote for Trump and felt I could vote for Biden if he selected a strong VP (frankly, I was concerned about his health). Kamala killed any chance of that consideration. So I passed in 2020 as well. You asked about Tim Scott. Scott is further to the right than I am but he seems to be a stand up guy. So I would consider him. I haven't written off any of the candidates on the right, at this time, with the exception of Trump. Tulsi's character impresses the shyt out of me. Her policy is pretty far the to the left, however. I'd vote for her in a heartbeat over Trump. You protect free speech, you protect lies. Lies are usually pretty easy to prove wrong.
  2. You don't seem to grasp anywhere near a solid opinion of what quackery is
  3. As a whole, Florida actually does OK. But they're in the top five in almost every category of the standardized test scores today. And I think the "catch up" by others will take a decade. Billsy and party over country! That's OK, you'll make that history curriculum across the country. Regarding Trump rallies
  4. Nice pivot. Haven't voted for Trump nor do I plan to. I've always felt he lacked moral character and he continues to confirm that. That doesn't mean the left has to be the alternative. Not by a long shot. In fact, this banana republic shyt Biden and the left are doing is the most shameful thing I've experienced in American politics.
  5. Specifically, aren't we talking about the impact during the pandemic? At least I was. https://www.chalkbeat.org/2023/5/12/23721806/learning-loss-pandemic-community-district-student-homes-harvard-stanford-johns-hopkins-dartmouth#:~:text=The team found that student,higher death rates from COVID. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-pandemic-has-had-devastating-impacts-on-learning-what-will-it-take-to-help-students-catch-up/ https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/30/health/covid-learning-loss-study-wellness/index.html This link specifically notes how Florida did better than its' peers in the pandemic loss - https://www.tampabay.com/news/education/2022/10/24/national-assessment-of-educational-progress-florida-hillsborough-pinellas-pasco-addison-davis-kevin-hendrick-scores/ I've never been. I'll have to trust your experience
  6. so does illiteracy
  7. The offset, of course, is the pro business successes and the educational successes that the schools in Florida will be ahead of many other states. That measure will be decades in the making.
  8. I called the national office of Rotary and they would like you to turn in your badge
  9. So, regarding #1, link me to your support that that DeSantis is in the mob. Dang man, you didn't even get past step 1
  10. I guess I don't see this characterization. He's really done a pretty good job in Florida. I think you're threatened by him
  11. No, my assumption
  12. 6 is Bannon
  13. The real issue here, for a lot of America, is the selective (partisan) application of justice. I didn't vote for Trump either time and certainly won't be in 2024. But this banana republic shyt is the worst thing that has happened in my lifetime in DC politics. It's disgusting and history will look down on the Biden and the Dem party more than it does on Trump, and that is saying a lot.
  14. The OL is going to have to gel as a unit to be better. It should, but if it doesn't Josh will be running for his life as much as he did last year
  15. Not after considering joeflation. Net loss
  16. My man's sporting his Wyo Cowboys cap!
  17. I'm sorry I hurt your feelers! I believe this answers both of your questions/responses.
  18. Trumps still a free man. There is little, if any, difference between Don and Joe
  19. Yeah, this is old news. Stephan Jimenez authored a book, "The Book of Matt" back in 2013. Mr. Jimenez is gay himself, and from the State of NY I think. He's been to Laramie to speak a couple of times about the book and his findings. His investigation lead him to a certainty that the murder was over drugs and money. Those with an agenda didn't receive is book well.
  20. Ha, how many times did Biden lie about his interactions with Hunter and Hunter's business partners. MSM's reaction as these new developments occur is and will be interesting to observe. We all know they carry water for the Dems, but how much more can they?
  21. Stupid! No one stated, absolutely no one, that slavery was the ideal learning environment. There's only one side in this thread supporting a belief that the slaves were too stupid to learn anything while enslaved.
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