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Posts posted by Pokebball

  1. 14 hours ago, Starr-Bills said:

    Child tax credit. Right in the title. Allows families with children to pay less taxes so they have more spending money to ensure their children have food and clothes, etc..


    I mean is this a joke or are you being willfully, ignorant?

    My point being, the benefit vests to the taxpayer (mom and/or dad) and not the kiddos. The benefit may or may not be spent on something benefitting the child. That's the moms/dads choice. It could, in fact, be spent on drugs or anything else that doesn't benefit the child.

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Big Blitz said:

    Yep - Trump is going to make Kerry 2004 pale in comparison to this debacle 



    That’s why they need 100% media cover 

    She's adopting a lot of the republican platform, right before our eyes. Maybe everything but abortion????

  3. 12 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    As with all such things: it depends.

    In general, "harboring" an illegal alien is a crime. I don't think a prosecution would ever be brought against an agency that offers shelter to new (illegal) immigrants who'd otherwise be on the street. In fact, the border patrol will often turn over new entrants to agencies like this, so it would be absurd to think they could be prosecuted for harboring.

    I think the key is, again, whether they are trying to conceal the illegal immigrants, or trying to frustrate law enforcement's attempts to take a particular action, like bringing someone into ICE custody.

    Is this law a good law, was probably more my question. My point is that rather than not enforcing a law, maybe we should work towards changing those laws.


    It's silly to have laws and willy nilly not follow of them became somebody, somewhere, doesn't agree with them. We wouldn't have any law if that were the case. 

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  4. 16 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    I'm Serious Frank this morning. B-Man shamed me into it.


    Serious answer: charity (taking new border crossers in, feeding them, giving them food and shelter) is not and should never be a crime. We depend on charitable organizations in this country, and they should be honored for their service.


    There are churches and other organizations that go beyond that and actually try to conceal people they are sheltering from law enforcement. That is a different matter, and these organizations - even if well-meaning - are participants in a violation of the law.


    Is it a crime though?

  5. 16 minutes ago, Scraps said:


    Hillary conceded the election.  Complaining that the person who got the most votes didn't win the election actually has a democratic basis to it.

    To this day Hillary is calling trump an illegitimate president. You've got the buffalo head guy. I think these elected US senators were worse and a much greater threat.


  6. 14 minutes ago, 4th&long said:


    Then why do other republicans feel that way? You didn’t hear what trump said to “Christian’s” he was talking to?

    In what way is he a threat to the republic?

    6 minutes ago, Scraps said:

    He tried to overthrow a free and fair election.


    He talks highly of authoritarians like Kim Jong Un, Vladimir Putin, Xi and Viktor Orban.  You never hear him lauding lions of democracy like Lincoln, Churchill or Reagan.


    He sided with Vladimir Putin over our intelligence agencies.


    His campaign took a meeting with Russians who suggested they had dirt on Hillary Clinton.


    He has talked about suspending the Constitution


    He took money from the DOD to fund his wall after Congress specifically did not apprpriate money for the wall.


    He tried to extort another country into announcing and investigation into his political rival.


    He tried to T a free and fair election.

    All this sounds like politics that we've experienced over my lifetime (65 yrs).


    I don't understand the threat

  7. 10 minutes ago, Scraps said:

    They don't want the Dem vision for this country.  They see Trump as a threat to the Republic as we have known it and are willing to put up with bad policy for a few years to keep it.

    How do you think he's a threat to the republic? I'm a republican, I have not voted for Trump nor do I plan to this fall. But a threat to the republic? Really? That's laughable.

    • Like (+1) 3
  8. 13 minutes ago, Scraps said:

    I'm saying the Orange Jesus tells his cult members the other countries are actually SENDING people from prisons and mental institutions to the US but there is no proof of any organized effort to do so.  None of your links prove people were "sent".  It shows they came here because it sucks there.



    It died because dem senators broke ranks and didn't support the bill. With a majority in the senate, dems could have passed it.


    Just like HB2, the repubs passed it and sent it to the senate. HB2 is still sitting on Schumer's desk for introduction (for a year I might add).


    The senate bill didn't even make it to the house because of dem senators joining the repubs in not supporting the bill.


    blaming trump is your lazy response

  9. 3 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    The identity of the girl in the photo is described right there in the caption to the photo!

    Just because your side is lazy and can't read anything other than 24 point text doesn't mean the rest of of can't.

    These "media is biased things" have reached a new level of idiocy.

    You honestly don't think the media has a bias?

  10. 2 minutes ago, Starr-Bills said:

    It is taxes.  Taxes on the wealthy and profitable mega corporations. Was 90% was 60% was 38% is now 21% and loopholes and exceptions take it lower. Note at those higher rates there were still immensely profitable companies and wealthy individuals. You don’t need to change the tax rates for the middle and lower classes (below $400,000 for example) to make a significant impact on the deficit. 

    Just saying spending is out of control is not even an argument.

    Corporate tax rates are most significantly influenced by global corporate rates anymore. Times have changed

  11. 1 minute ago, ChiGoose said:

    Trump crushed the Dem’s candidate in the debate so badly they had to replace him. 

    The next scheduled debate was for after the Dem convention. Trump could have canceled it if the Dems nominated someone other than Harris. Voters would have understood that it was unfair for him to prep for one candidate and debate another. 

    But he’s canceling it now instead. And voters are gonna think it’s because he’s scared. 

    Trump can certainly honor that Sept date as well. But until the dems get their shyt together, he's gonna wait on them. Seems reasonable to me. And I'm not a Trump guy

  12. 1 minute ago, Backintheday544 said:

    and Trump debated him. Kamala is now. Agree to the debate.

    Isn't the point that the Dem party is playing switchero here? Trump is simply saying lets wait until after the convention. I shouldn't have to debate presumptive nominees.

  13. 30 minutes ago, Backintheday544 said:

    Sure he will. She’s the presumptive nominee and already has the backing of the party.


    Obama even called their bluff and endorsed her formally.


    The prosecutor vs the convict will probably not happen. If it does, Trump will just embarrass himself. Hell, he embarrassed him self last time, just Biden was more embarrassing.

    Biden was the presumptive nominee

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