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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. I skipped the POTUS box in both generals in 16 and 20. But I did vote for all all others. Voted for LIz Chaney in the 2020 primary. Not sure yet for 2024. How could I possibly be? Lots can and probably will happen. Who'd you vote for in 16 and 20?
  2. I didn't vote for either candidate, in either 16 or 20. I contributed to a couple of Rs and one D in the primaries. I could have voted for the Biden ticket if he picked a decent, reasonable VP on his ticket. Imagine Kamala? My good lord!
  3. gotta 'em right were we want 'em
  4. Or, you might be guilty, just slightly guilty, of taking any criticism of Biden, any criticism of the Dems as support of Trump. I didn't vote for Trump either time. I will not vote for Trump this next time. But I am most critical of Dems. Biden is just as corrupt. The MSM does carry Biden's and the Dem's water. Indicting your opponent is done by 3rd world dictatorships and is most unfortunate that its being done here in America. I can say these things and not be a Trump supporter, right?
  5. Are there any Trump supporters here? Now, I do see quite a bit of Trump hate!
  6. Thinking someone is following you is a right to plunk 'em? I live in the wild west we don't have that. I don't want that.
  7. but you weren't threatened
  8. Trust in Beane and McDermott Agree 100% You just can't blindly compare RB stats from a Titans team to that of a Bills team.
  9. Again, how many wins are the Bills getting with it's offense that focuses on its dual threat QB?
  10. Which is the point of my response. We're not going to have an offense focusing on RBs with JA behind center.
  11. I'm sensitive to your to your concern, but results matter
  12. How many wins did the Bills have last year?
  13. I'm not saying he's done nothing. This is good to see, but the problem is the border. This investment is on the symptom.
  14. Don't look for what he says; look for what he does (or doesn't do)
  15. ...or a bad spot for you LOL
  16. I don't know if the $2,200 is true. I simply can't believe what I bolded above to be true either.
  17. That Oline is absolutely awesome
  18. I'm missing your concern, I guess?
  19. Understand that there are degrees of woke, right? I think you're including some pretty mild shyt in your definition of of woke in order to defend some pretty crazy levels of woke. Understand there is a difference.
  20. Why'd he do that, I wonder?
  21. I'm hearing it regularly. Even from some Dem mayors now LOL
  22. Not really. The WH isn't enforcing the laws on the books.
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