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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. I'll put you down as someone that doesn't have faith in our institutions
  2. They aren't siding with trump, they're siding, or not siding, with the 4-3 vote by the CO appellate court. How much you willing to put on your partisan political opinion?
  3. In this case it is. At least that is what those smarter than me are calling it.
  4. That wager on the SCOTUS' decision...you up to that challenge?
  5. And this is exactly where the CO appellate court failed.
  6. I'm not the guy arguing in favor of unprecedented legal actions to keep a political opponent off the ballot. And I'm being the partisan? You should do some "refiguring"
  7. The purpose of an appellate court are set. Neither you or I get to decide. Please keep posting Offside would have been the better analogy. but to that point, we've got review which most of the time provides a pretty clear decision. The Dems, in this case, are still arguing that Toney wasn't Offside.
  8. Another interesting tidbit from this CO banana republic event, is that Jan 5 is the deadline to be put on the ballot. I gotta think the SCOTUS decision will come well after this date. Pop the corn fellas!
  9. We'll see if the SCOTUS agrees that the appellate courts findings were proper. Let's wait and see who was correct. I'm willing to put a very hefty wager on my opinion. You?
  10. Yeah, you think due process is happening, I don't. I'm certain it is partisan politics. The 4 repubs that signed onto this case are lincoln project types. The SCOTUS will decide.
  11. Have you seen recent polls regarding the faith in our institutions? Why is it so low, in your opinion?
  12. We're going in circles now. I'll agree that "school house rock" is a great way to describe what's happening here. I'll have to borrow it. The dems will continue to erode support among moderates and independents with this move.
  13. While I understand your faith in our institutions, I think it has been exposed that our institutions have been used for partisan efforts. My faith in our institutions has eroded quite a bit. I do have faith in our SCOTUS to decide this one correctly. We all know it's heading there. LOL
  14. The judge saying that he knows the decision is heading to the SCOTUS tells you all you need to know, right? A case like this has never, ever, "happened how it's legally suppose to", and for a reason. We're treading new banana republic water here. This is very new ground in how our legal system works and to suggest it isn't is being intellectually dishones.
  15. The Trump is going to jail rallies started over 7 years ago. The Dems are now using liberal appellate judges in a blue state to banana republic their political opponent, using a civil case. The reason to overturn this puppy isn't going to be miniscule. The most basic common sense!
  16. Doesn't matter what they thought. It isn't the role of appellate court judges. Why Dems are celebrating this is beyond me. Scary
  17. Kick the can down the road? Due process also assures a timely trial. You tell me why the Dems are kicking the can down the road? Look, I'm not a Trump supporter either. Never have and never will vote for the guy. But damn guys, we gotta do this right. Right isn't working well so Dems want to do some funky kind of end round? This really isn't right!
  18. Tibs doesn't understand the role of an appellate court. Due process wasn't met. Dems are further killing democracy with this move.
  19. It was an appellate court in CO, not any sort of fact finding being done. No due process done there.
  20. I'm sure I've posted this on the board previously. Josh had a pretty good hit on Kazee in Laramie a few years back. Pokes actually gained a couple of yards on this play
  21. There's black, white and grey. I'm OK if there's some embellishment in the greys.
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