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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. I like the resources that Cook and Allen are going to require from the Chiefs defense. The Bills will have to be able to execute and take advantage of that. I expect big days from our TEs
  2. You just moved the goal post. I'll assume you got my point challenging your data
  3. I'm talking about income and/or wealth. They skew the results very significantly based on things I've seen.
  4. There was an interesting discussion on one of the talking head shows yesterday about the difference we'd see in Josh if he were to have played for Reed right out of college.
  5. I think it's important to remove the top 1%, or even the top 10%, from a lot of these demographics. I've seen a lot of studies showing how much the top influences the overall result shown. It's quite significant.
  6. One 15 yd penalty could decide this game. Be smart mafia
  7. I'll put you in the category of "screaming at clouds" along with Billsy
  8. I recommend you read this thread today. Teams mean a lot to many folk, including you
  9. Well, you might be missing a certain context that exists on this board. At least for me it's a place to get sarcastic, colorful, express irony, invoke godwins law, and such. You should try it! She's an independent now. I appreciated the fact she called out a dems lack of character. Similar to what Liz did. Neither side took either of them very well. There's too much "go team" in many repubs and dems these days.
  10. I have to feel a politician has strong character and ethics for me to be able to support him/her. Trump doesn't. I align with him on many policy issues. Tulsi Gabbard seems to impeccable character. Ben Sasse is another. Liz Cheney did have, I lost quite a bit of faith in her though because I think she intentionally left out important information in the Jan 6 committee hearings (so disappointing for a Wyo rep to do). I'm for fairness and there aren't that many politicians today that are for fairness.
  11. sometimes it's because posters claim I am. other times it's because context matters. other times i think it's important to note that i'm a gop that doesn't. Why do you think it's the case that you scream at clouds?
  12. One side is attempting to jail their political opponents. You do realize that Biden has moved us closer to this "2025" more than any POTUS in history, right?
  13. I answered you. You didn't like the answer. Move on
  14. You, me, our consitution, congress, SCOTUS...
  15. discontinuing funding to ukraine is certainly an opinion of many here - you want to jail of them too?
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