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Posts posted by Pokebball

  1. Just now, L Ron Burgundy said:


    Desecration plus lies equals you know why we're mad?  I don't think you're on X as much as BB, who obviously needs to be hospitalized at this point, but do you realize how insane you sound?  This guy really f'd you guys up.  For your family's sake,  self evaluate a little.   I honestly hope you're trolling. 

    I'm certain each and every service member buried there would want the comfort for the families of the 11. But yeah, you know better

  2. 20 minutes ago, T master said:


    Shouldn't change things that much there are many NFL players that were raised by single parents and when the kid started getting out of line the parent got tougher to send a message now they are to busy on FB, Tik Tok, Instagram, to look to what the "Professionals" think which is sensitivity !


    My wife runs a day care for 22 years the state people that come in periodically to watch and see how she teaches the kids tell her flat out DO NOT use No, You can't do that, stop it, it is all geared toward asking the young under 4 yr old kids what they think, & then when brought to the parents attention that they need to help in certain instances that deem discipline the parents 99% of the time buy them a toy before they get home so they don't have to be a parent .


    So i tend to disagree ! i here the stories of parents that are more in tune with social media than being a parent, & the state helps in no way what so ever !


    My wife has had children of 4 yrs old when told that wasn't very nice now was it have the child stand right there look her in the face & piss their pants because they are mad at my wife .


    So if that is the reaction of a kid weather they are raised by a single parent or the traditional 2 parents it's a lack of discipline plain and simple !! 



    I agree with many things you stated above. The impact of single parent families, however, is very well documented. It's a significant factor.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  3. On 6/20/2024 at 8:39 AM, T master said:

    None of this is very surprising parents today would rather be their child friend than a parent and disapline is a thing of the past ! The downfall of our country started in the home not in the schools. 

    too many single parents

  4. 33 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    So you tell me: if I stab someone with the sharpened point of a flagpole, have I assaulted him with a deadly weapon?

    would you classify said flagpole as a weapon of war? and is the capital grounds a war zone?

  5. 5 minutes ago, Backintheday544 said:

    Do yourself a favor and read the Democrat electing policies and Michigans law on who enters the ballot.


    Democrats nominate thru their convention and they nominated Harris.


    Under MI election law RFK used a party nomination process and was actually nominated under that party’s rules. Now it’s too late for him based on how he secured access to the ballot.

    Are you conflating the MI rules and the national dnc rules?

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 42 minutes ago, Backintheday544 said:

    Except this was an entirely new grand jury who said the charges have merits after a different grand jury said the charges have merit. Maybe you should hop on a grand jury to explain the law to these people.

    this was a new group of radically charged, partisan democrats

    4 minutes ago, Backintheday544 said:

    This is how the Michigan law is written. Why can’t republicans just follow the law:


    Kennedy must stay on the ballot in Michigan, where he obtained ballot access through the Natural Law Party, a minor political party, instead of the more difficult independent petition process.

    Michigan state law prevents minor-party nominees from withdrawing after being certified, and the Michigan Bureau of Elections told Michigan Public Radio the deadline for any changes had long passed. 

    “The Natural Law Party held their convention to select electors for Robert Kennedy Jr.,” spokesperson Cheri Hardmon said. “They cannot meet at this point to select new electors since it's past the primary.”


    Did Biden win the MI primary?

    • Like (+1) 3
  7. 8 minutes ago, phypon said:

    No, Biden was forced out because he has dementia which was on full display and could no longer be ignored and everyone knew it.  He was doing fine in the polls (just as good as Harris).  Not only that, both he and Trump said they look at polling but don't consider them an absolute. While agree with your statement about polls not being absolutes, the polls were not the reason for Biden's exit.  Also, using polling data to change a candidate last minute who was not voted for is an abysmal injustice and disenfranchises voters.  

    The polls were, at best, a symptom of the problem, which was absolutely Biden's cognitive decline.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Tiberius said:


    From a policy perspective, abandoning some degree of GOP policies for the Dem ticket of probably the most left that our country has seen, seems odd for any republican to do. To me anyways.


    A GOP member can not support/endorse Trump, I can understand that. But abandoning your GOP principles and endorsing a far left ticket speaks more about him than it does Trump. Poor decision on his part.

    • Agree 3
  9. 15 hours ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    He is seriously the scum of the earth if he endorses Trump.   I know he's a loon, but I didn't take him for a complete POS.  We will see.

    One of those, the enemy of my enemy kinda things?

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