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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. I am certainly not familiar with what each and every state is doing. Those that I am familiar with seems to hold the doctor accountable and not the women. I'll also note here that RvW was a ticking time bomb. Legal scholars were predicting it would fall shortly after it was passed. As time passed, medical science advanced proving that human life started before birth at earlier and earlier gestation. Each state knew this was coming, or should have known. Using your words, many of these states, instead of admitting their ignorance, they just attempted to move in a manner to circumvent the obvious pitfalls of their follies. Overall, I agree with you that the law needs to be clearly defined in each jurisdiction. State legislators tend to learn what other states are doing in regards to legislation and copy a lot of it in crafting their laws. At the end of this process, we'll have just a few different laws across all states. The liberal states will have no abortion and the other states will have a couple of laws, with the difference being the number of months that are the trigger pts for legal abortion. There won't be more than a couple of those IMO. We're smarter than I think you give us credit for.
  2. link me to this border bill the senate passed This is what I think I know Link
  3. I think that rhetoric is certainly used. In your opinion, is "the taking of a human life" equivalent to "abortion is murder"?
  4. Everyone wants these things. The difference in philosophy is how to accomplish it. The Border deal? The GOP passed their border bill in the house. HB2 is sitting on Schumer's desk collecting dust. Dems haven't passed a border bill yet because Schumer couldn't get the support he needed in the Dem controlled senate.
  5. The blue parts don't talk either. But they do sing the blues
  6. That "gut" of yours. My gosh!
  7. Very obvious. Vax rates were most important, when access to adequate health care existed. Access becomes obviously more important when you aren't ventilated. You claim to understand rural healthcare, but you obviously don't.
  8. If the people who claim to oppose harming women over abortion really wanted to, they would address the root causes of harming women! did I do that right
  9. my fact is also correct, rural states did worse than urban states. Painfully obvious that the reason is limitations to access. My argument is very easy to square. You're the one that doesn't want to give liberty to a life. I'm most consistent
  10. I live in a very rural state. Access to masks, gloves, and hospitals was lacking. We did the best we could given the limited access to healthcare we had. Availability of the vaccine was limited. Family members got covid and the family was the primary care. The area of my state hit the worse was uneducated democrats. It wasn't party affiliation. It wasn't education. It was location / geographic (the further you were from access to healthcare, the worse it was).
  11. Yeah, I think many laws are stupid, but I obey them. I will also work, legally, to change some of these laws. But since you're talking politics instead of law, I think the 1860 abortion law in Arizona is stupid. I also think that anyone that believes the Arizona Governor didn't intentionally let that play out after the SCOTUS decision, is stupid. Last weeks headlines were written a year and a half ago. What's your opinion about the dem governor using this for political purposes, rather than getting a current abortion bill worked? Human life does have a starting point. I'm not sure when you think that is. Mine is supported by science.
  12. Bail is a legal process. Again, what would you do with someone that broke the law?
  13. Obvious hypocrisy in your post here, young man. And I even gave you a heads up
  14. So perhaps the deeper question is, do you support freedom and liberty for all Americans to do as they choose? This is a trick question, so it will require some critical thinking on your part
  15. I don't think your causation v correlation works for most Americans. I live in the largest city in what is probably the most R state in the union. I wore masks, social distanced and got each and every one of my vaccines. Access and population density absolutely matter. Don't be ignorant
  16. I read an article that perhaps explained why. I tried to find this article to share here but I couldn't. I read it a couple of years ago. This article made much more sense. The article noted that higher illness and death rates occurred in more rural areas due to a number of factors, the most significant factor being lack of access to adequate healthcare. Additionally, mask and vaccines were made more readily available in urban areas due to their high density populations, as they should have been. Those high density population centers were also prone to initiate mandates as compared to rural farming and ranching communities with very low densities. The connection to politics and parties was really only because higher density population centers tend to be more democrat than republican.
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