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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. Retail stores raising prices for various reasons, including their wholesale costs significantly increasing, supply chain disruption, wages significantly increasing (but not enough to allow the average citizen to keep up), smash and grab theft out of control, insurance costs increasing much faster than inflation due to smash and grab and peaceful protesting, etc.
  2. Dems don't want us to believe what we see and feel when we're out purchasing
  3. Yeah, until SC has to face another team with a 6'8" guy that's facing up against her current Kamilla Cordoso. Staley's opinion will change in a heartbeat. Both SC and Iowa were preparing for the championship game when this question came for both head coaches. When I first heard the question asked, all I could do is hang my head. One could argue that both HCs should have been ready for that question, but man, what a stupid ass question to ask a few days before the game. I believe Staley was asked before Bluder was. While Staley did the two-step before answering, and then acknowledging the response would create drama, which it did. Bluder was able to respond with a 'are you crazy, I'm not discussing that a few days before the championship game.'
  4. Bill nailed it with this one This could have gone under a number of OPs on this board
  5. Didn't Biden contribute to the crisis with his pen? Can't Biden address a lot of the crisis with his pen? Does Biden want the crisis? This seems rather self imposed to me.
  6. Saw 'em three times. They, The Allman Bros and Marshall Tucker. Dang good musicians!
  7. Income tax is based on two basic factors, (1) taxable income and (2) tax rate. The tax rate is progressive, so as your taxable income increases, the rate increases. The entire US population is subject to the same tax rate table. You earn a billion dollars you are in, without any doubt whatsoever, the highest tax bracket and you'll pay a shytload of taxes. Now the term "billionaire" is normally associated with wealth, not income. But let's continue along this hypothetical conversation. You earn a billion dollars in year 01 and you pay a shytload of taxes in year 01. You put the net under your mattress. In year 02 you don't earn a wooden nickle. You're still a billionaire, but you're not paying any taxes. It is very possible for a billionaire to have a taxable loss in any given tax year. So, to answer your question, whether I think it's fair in any given year, or even in successive years? Of course. It makes complete and total sense to anyone that understands and can read through the media's attempts of playing gotcha.
  8. You mentioned paying one's fair share just a couple of posts above.
  9. My opinion, from reading your posts, is that your willing to give up most everything
  10. ...and your answer is to surrender your liberty to the clowns in government.
  11. The bill was crafted by a dem, a repub and an independent (who was a dem the year before). It was shoved down the others throats in the 11th hour with very little knowledge of what was in the bill prior to that. Too many found to much in the bill they didn't like so they refused to support it. And I'm talking dems as well. I'm not going to defend most in DC. Most are sorry excuses for reps that are more interested in partisanship than they are representing those of us across the country. Biden can strengthen the border with a few strokes of his pen. Schumer can pick up HB2 and start working it. Amend it to his hearts content. Do something. He doesn't because of partisan politics. Clowns!
  12. Thank you. To restate then, you think scientifically human life begins at birth. You and I are so very far apart on this, it's probably not worth your time to continue. Thanks for the time you've given me on this.
  13. Dems control the senate though. Dems could have passed it on their own. They didn't need the repubs if all of 'em supported it. I guess we're good calling it a bipartisan refusal to pass it? So we are left today, where I thought we were. The house passed a border bill that is collecting dust on Schumer's desk. The Senate has done nothing of any value. Nothing the dem senators collectively support. The balls in Schumer's court.
  14. A fetus is nothing but a stage in human life, just like an infant, a child, a teenager, and adult, etc. Earlier you said viability. Now you're saying birth. All while acknowledging a human life begins before both of those. Don't be afraid to answer this question. We all see your reluctance. When do you think human life begins?
  15. The link I posted is policy in each state. The current abortion laws in each state. Many of the most populous states allow abortions up until birth. Those policies/laws do not align with not wanting a late term abortion. They support the right to a late term abortion. Last time, when do you think, scientifically, a human life begins? If you refuse to answer, I won't be continuing this conversation with you. I'm not going to let you blow past my questions and carry on with your agenda.
  16. Again, you skipped my question. When, scientifically, do you think human life begins? Then we'll proceed to your questions.
  17. Many states allow abortion up until birth. These states are most of the highest populated states in the country. I think it's rather disingenuous to say most most people don't support late-term abortions. Their laws don't align with that statement. US map of abortion rights
  18. You skipped my question. Posters skipping your question bothered you earlier. Scientifically, when do you think human life begins? That is an important question in this discussion, no? And a follow up from me regarding viability, is a person that's been in a coma for a year viable?
  19. You have that link to the senate border bill that is sitting on Johnson's desk? If I'm mistaken, I'd like to know.
  20. Biologists hold a contrary opinion. Viability isn't a sound argument because a child isn't viable right after birth, or even later in life. When does human life begin? When are you OK with terminating a human life?
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