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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. Afghanistan simply can't be compared.
  2. Joe is the only reason MSM is focusing on Trump now.
  3. Why do you think? It's rather self evident!
  4. There's actually been quite a few cease fires.
  5. Why, after making such a huge issue of and implementing significant efforts around DEI, is there less tolerance in society?
  6. Odds are that the dems pick up the house and the repubs pick up the senate
  7. Civilized US murdering babies was my point
  8. So obvious as well. Dems must think we're all stupid
  9. There is a whole lot of history that might suggest your opinion is not correct. If this recent conflict was the start, I would agree with you.
  10. patience grasshopper, or as my 4 yr old nephew called 'em, assgropper
  11. Struggling with personal responsibility again and again. You're the damn parent, quitting making "the state" responsible for your kiddo. Every parent of every child received a letter informing them of the outbreak, telling them that it's up to them whether or not their child gets vaccinated, or whether an unvaccinated child stays home from school after getting exposed.
  12. Tangent Impeachment is now part of the landscape
  13. Interesting! That should work just peachy for the country.
  14. I expected nothing less, based on the shitshow the Dems started with Trump. Impeachment is now a common thing.
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