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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. His policies are actually pretty good. Much better than Bidens
  2. What does you being a physician have to do with your opinion on this? Border bill and why do you want us to be the russian police force?
  3. I've read quite a bit of why folks that voted against it. It would have codified some really bad administrative policies that Biden was allowing. What Biden has been allowing has caused record illegal immigration. Why would congress codify that?
  4. A follow up pivot with you. A few weeks back you commented about how CA wasn't experiencing the border issues that Texas and Arizona were. CA has been in the news recently about a lot of it. What say you now?
  5. Well, the narrative began as the House killing the bill. Totally false as the bill didn't reach the House (if we're talking the same bill). Senators (both Dem and Republican) voted against the bill in the Senate. It failed.
  6. Legislature has done next to nothing about the border in decades. Joe opened it up by executive order on day one and you see how that worked. Dems have failed miserably on the border...THE WORSE IN DECADES
  7. Why would you not hold Schumer complicit when he fails to do what he needs to, in order to get Ukraine funding? I hold Trump complicit. Join me in holding Schumer complicit too!
  8. You're wrong. I've included a link where you can educate yourself on this bill. The 370-bill was the result of months of negotiations led by Senators James Lankford (R-OK), Chris Murphy (D-CT), and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ). These three senators did consult with Schumer and McConnell during this time. The bill was released to the rest of the Senate on a Sunday evening, with an announced vote on the subsequent Wednesday. The vote did occur with both repubs and dems voting against it. Some repubs did vote for it. It failed the senate and didn't even make it to the senate. Link
  9. Once the GOP senators finally had the chance to read the bill, it was easy for them to kill it. I believe there were three senators that worked the bill in the senate. One was a republican. The border provisions of the bill were little to nothing.
  10. I think you're confused. The bi partisan bill sent to the house had absolutely nothing to do with the border. The Senate bill regarding the border didn't make it out of the Senate. It failed. S0 now Schumer can work HB2 or not. He's choosing not to.
  11. It's 100% accurate. If Schumer wants Ukraine funding, he needs to get off his ass. Why isn't he?
  12. Take it to the floor, work it, amend it, etc. Why is Schumer doing this?
  13. HR2 will work and it's sitting on Schumer's desk. Why is he doing this?
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