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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. While I get the volleying back and forth between you and they. whining about whining is a double negative IMO
  2. sheesh, quit your whining already!
  3. How contempt "generally works"? You're kidding right?
  4. are you insecure because you didn't vote for trump?
  5. I never did either. But if you don't buy into the dem party, 100%, they see you as a supporter of Trump
  6. I would suspect this is true for both parties for either of the two potus candidates. In fact, 22% seems too low to me. And yet, here we are, doing this to ourselves.
  7. Both Biden and Jack Smith are above the law
  8. You said they "normally don't get prosecuted". Prosecuted for what?
  9. He broke laws by taking the classified documents. He broke laws by not properly securing the classified documents. He broke laws by sharing classified documents with his ghost writer. Not obstructing 10 years later, does not make those crimes go away.
  10. Do you think news out of one of these cases comes out, the news can influence other cases against Trump? The document cases sure is smelling as a big set up. What do the jurors think in NYC as they hear this?
  11. Jack Smith doing this is bad. Jack Smith lying to the judge about doing it is absolutely unbelievable. He better be held accountable.
  12. I read a report that noted how she tried to be funny a few times but that no one laughed?
  13. Enabling and encouraging it deserves to be projected to the entire university IMO
  14. Biden's above the law
  15. I was responsible for hiring entry level students in my firm. The kids coming out of smaller colleges, and even those that began their education at community and junior colleges proved to be much better employees, in both performance and attitude. And it wasn't even close.
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