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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. Ahh, if a company folds a company folds. Many reasons could cause that and blame is cheap. I think technology is the primary reason companies fail. Dividends are cut early when a company starts doing poorly. C Suite is very important in a company's success or failure.
  2. It would make sense that a more robust union effort, driving up wages for the workers would have to come from cost cutting/shifting, more than likely coming from the C Suite. I'm not opposed to non government dynamics impacting upper level salaries. I am totally against any government controls or interventions in this dynamic.
  3. I get the unions aspect. I was wondering how you'd control executive comp.
  4. So what would this look like, in your opinion? Who makes these determinations and decisions?
  5. I don't expect to convince you to agree with me. If you can think of a better system in the world, throughout history, I would appreciate you informing me of it. Otherwise, let's agree to disagree.
  6. None of us are immune from each other. We all work for and towards our individual interests and while those interests vary, we all own our liberty. We all go quit and go to work across the street. While capitalism isn't perfect, there isn't a better system in the world, throughout all of history.
  7. Do you think capitalism causes greed? Greed has and will always exist.
  8. Citizens got revenue from government sources as part of the pandemic relief efforts. Quite a bit actually. Some of it was in lieu of working. It's difficult to apply any normal sort of economic theory to all of it. Global supply chain issues raised prices, the US printing shytloads of money raised prices, workforce shortages caused significant increases in pay which increased prices, regulations have always raised prices, etc.
  9. Right over your head, 2x now. You simply have no cred to speak to this, so don't
  10. border security has been funded. Biden policy doesn't allow them to do their jobs
  11. Within the facts that are similar, it is different standards. You denying it loses you credibility. I specifically mentioned the presidential records act specifically and you blew right by it.
  12. I see different standards regarding the presidential records act. An elected official that isn't POTUS shouldn't even be taking 'em home. So no, I don't "got it" and you just lost your cred.
  13. I'm totally serious, Patten is a left wing, social justice warrior. Anyone could have predicted to a tee her position on this conflict.
  14. Got anyone better than Pramila Patten? She's the biggest social justice warrior at the UN
  15. So to be clear, you're not going to switch parties?
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