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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. So? How does this change the point that, at some point, the child taking precedence, should occur?
  2. Telling somebody that their opinions are stupid, or trivial, or do not matter isn't going to advance the conversation.
  3. I think it is "something" to some of the posters here. I respect that. You should too
  4. There is certainly an argument that this is an infringement on religion. And I wouldn't want anyone to be assaulted by another. Biden's pandering and being hypocritical when I see photo ops of him at Mass and then infringing on Christianity here. I assume you disagree. Belly buttons and such
  5. Biden's the first president to make this proclamation. The first in our history.
  6. Not far left, but certainly not middle left. From my perch the right here seems to be more moderate to me. In the eye of the beholder perhaps
  7. Very surprised but I'll take you for your word. Most liberals seem to be pretty solid liberals; even those that post here
  8. What do you think is nuts about CA liberalism? Curious? In other words, explain for me the difference between liberalism of the majority and CA's liberalism?
  9. Dividends are cut after the company begins to do poorly. Many reasons why a company begins doing poorly. Businesses with continual improvement, learning how to do things faster, cheaper and more efficiently survive. Technology, probably more than anything else does that.
  10. All I'm saying is that your assumption that it was a prepayment isn't necessarily correct. All we know is that it was a payment.
  11. Or they were paying for something he did when he was vp
  12. Schools were closed, kiddos were stuck at home to roam through kitchen cabinets
  13. They're both too old. But there really isn't an argument as to which is in a greater stage of decline, is there?
  14. a payoff for access when he was vp? why is that so difficult to be a possibility?
  15. Poyer knows not to dive at Allens feet. I suspect there will be a head on collision. Allen jumps right up and heads to the huddle. Poyer, on the other hand, .............
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