Dems swing to marxism and authoritarinism and banana republicism is the cause. Anyone that expresses anti these along with a dose of common sense is labeled as maga by you and your party.
McConney knew Cohen was a creep and stated such. McConney grew tired of all of the lawfare directed at Trump and his organizations and wanted out. That doesn't make the NDA illegal nor does it not make the NDA not a legal expense.
I'm not going to litigate this on this board with you. Both our minds are made up.
The jury also heard about the texts that were happening at the same time. And so did Cohen for the very first time. The prosecution failed big time in that moment.
We'll see if yours and Billsy's wrangling survives. It's looking like it might not even survive the kangaroo / banana court. It certainly won't an appeal. If you think there's a chance, your not following along.
Cohen is about Cohen and lying to further himself has never stood in his way. He just can't help himself
Even if he was losing, it would be a terrible idea. But he aint losing!
Of course not. Nothing is wrong about expressing the view that family is important. I can't believe folks are getting their panties in a wad over this.