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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. So perhaps the deeper question is, do you support freedom and liberty for all Americans to do as they choose? This is a trick question, so it will require some critical thinking on your part
  2. I don't think your causation v correlation works for most Americans. I live in the largest city in what is probably the most R state in the union. I wore masks, social distanced and got each and every one of my vaccines. Access and population density absolutely matter. Don't be ignorant
  3. I read an article that perhaps explained why. I tried to find this article to share here but I couldn't. I read it a couple of years ago. This article made much more sense. The article noted that higher illness and death rates occurred in more rural areas due to a number of factors, the most significant factor being lack of access to adequate healthcare. Additionally, mask and vaccines were made more readily available in urban areas due to their high density populations, as they should have been. Those high density population centers were also prone to initiate mandates as compared to rural farming and ranching communities with very low densities. The connection to politics and parties was really only because higher density population centers tend to be more democrat than republican.
  4. You say this like you're suggesting it should either be one or the other. Both can be true. Both is the right answer here.
  5. Can I assume that your opinion is that Biden truly forgot he had his records?
  6. I don't know it, actually. I don't know how you, me or anyone else would know it. We shall see
  7. because they were personal records
  8. Copies probably are personal. We shall see
  9. So back to the presidential records act...LOL
  10. The value of what we received for Diggs might be the best measure of his real value
  11. I wonder if he was working on June 1, 2020? https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/dc-braces-for-third-day-of-protests-and-clashes-over-death-of-george-floyd/2020/05/31/589471a4-a33b-11ea-b473-04905b1af82b_story.html
  12. No matter how many times a dem activist says he died on Jan 6, it will never, ever, be true I give, what caused his blood clot? Link
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