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Posts posted by Pokebball

  1. 1 hour ago, Scraps said:

    Projection.  Like the right did on Jan 6 2021?

    There was a statistic that 40 of 44 appointees and his own VP were not supporting him.  Bill Barr may have changed that number at the margins.


    Why is no Secretary of State, Secretary or Defense National Security advisor that he appointed supporting Trump?  Why is no former Republican nominee for President or Vice President supporting Trump?

    40? A president makes roughly 4,000 appointments.


    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 52 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:


    Except it's not "just" to get anything. It's to get elected President of the United States of America! 

    To get elected the District Attorney of San Francisco, or the Attorney General of California, or the (then) Junior Senator from California, you have to appeal to an electorates that aren't that similar to those of the median American voter. Or more to the point, to the median voter of one of the few swing states that will determine who is the next President.

    Not to criticize Trump here, but just to draw a comparison: in 2016, he was a blank slate. He'd said a lot of things over the years, but he never held elected office. He could be stridently anti-abortion when he needed to win the Republican Primaries in places like Iowa. He could continue to do that in 2020 because everyone knew that whatever he said would run into a judicial veto in the form of Roe v. Wade. Then guess what? His strategy worked! Roe was overturned. And guess what after that? He's now trying to stake out a middle position on abortion.


    Same with Tim Walz. Represented a purple district in Congress and was kind of the last of the conservative(ish) Democrats. Became Governor of a liberal state and started fitting his positions into the profile of the median Minnesota governor. Now he's running for nationwide office and I'd expect him to sound a lot more like the Congress guy.


    This is not an awful thing. We like our Presidents to have some core beliefs, and usually they do. You're not gonna find Kamala advocating for a mass deportations scheme, and you're not gonna find Trump advocating for an increase in tax rates. So those things stay constant. Bill Clinton was a very successful President because he "triangulated" as they said, a silly euphemism for "compromising and moving closer to the center."


    I am quite frankly bored with the "you're a flip flopper!" arguments. I don't want a President who is unresponsive to where the median voter is. It's a feature of our nationwide elections, not a bug.

    do you think her "flip flops" are sincere

  3. 5 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Are you mentally fit, JDHIllFan? You seem a little discombobulated. 

    Here it seems that Chris Cilizza was somehow able to divine what Kamala's positions today are. That's how he's able to list how she's, you know, changed her positions. Including on that pivotal plastic straw issue.

    Yet you seem mystified. 

    Do you think she changed so many positions just to get elected?

  4. 1 hour ago, Starr-Bills said:

    I have seen no evidence that Obama or pelosi or “high dem leadership” is running things. 🤷‍♂️


    11 minutes ago, Doc said:

    Is anyone even running the country?  Harris is running on "I'll fix things in 4-1/2 months when I become President."  When she's in Office and Biden is on vacation more often than not.  Otherwise...things could get fixed now.

    things were fixed 3 1/2 yrs ago. things are exactly where kamala wants them to be. don't listen to what she says. listen to what she has done

    • Agree 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, Starr-Bills said:

    Someone call Putin and have him remind the felon Biden dropped out.


    It doesn’t work like that.

    Biden is potus, just like he has been for the last 3.75 years. Yes he is running the country as much as any president does. He is not all gone any more than the felon who thinks he is still running agains Biden. 

    Show me one scrap of information that any of them are running anything. Oh and I ‘doubt’ you are very smart, but that doesn’t make it true, just my opinion.

    If you don't believe the evidence we all have already seen, I've got nothing more to show you

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  6. 4 minutes ago, Roundybout said:


    We had one. Trump killed it. Again, this is your side. The blood of those migrants is on your hands.

    Actually, Schumer is still sitting on it. We have one, and only one, bill that has passed one of the houses. The bill you are talking about Schumer couldn't even get enough Dems to get it passed out of the Senate. That's a bipartisan defeat!


    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, phypon said:

    So you're not for allowing criminals into this country and all that had to be done was for Biden to reverse his executive order (no bipartisan plan full of pork necessary) and your solution is to just sit on your hands and blame someone that has not been in office for 3.5 years rather than taking responsibility for the problem in the first place.  And then, when people want to close the border you pull the "violent right" card over a meme.  You're taking that meme literally, as in people are going to literally go ballistic when all the meme insinuates is a defensive posture to close the border.  Somehow you seem to justify all of the violence incurred on the American people by criminal immigrants, but when people want to close the border they are now the violent ones.  I think you're missing something here, bud. 


    • Agree 3
  8. 5 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:



    (Bloomberg) -- The surging enthusiasm for Vice President Kamala Harris in Georgia and North Carolina is convincing local Democratic leaders that she can score the first double win in the Southern swing states since Jimmy Carter.


    The debate is crucial.  Kick his smug, wrinkly, orange face.

    The key to winning is to energize independents, not her base so much

  9. 48 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


    If only there was some record of what the Founders thought about the Electoral College and slavery. Like, if James Madison, often called the Father of the Constitution had thoughts on it..


    Oh wait.


    "There was one difficulty however of a serious nature attending an immediate choice by the people. The right of suffrage was much more diffusive in the Northern than the Southern States; and the latter could have no influence in the election on the score of the Negroes. The substitution of electors obviated this difficulty and seemed on the whole to be liable to fewest objections." (James Madison July 19, 1787)


    Wow. It's almost as if one of the major factors in designing the Electoral College was to appease the slaves states...

    Now do suffrage for women

  10. 1 hour ago, Scraps said:

    I don't care if they interject themselves.  They do not dictate Arlington National Cemetery policy.  This whole kerfuffle shows why.  They are basically saying that they don't care about the other Arlington National Cemetery families.


    They are taking offense to Harris's statement and she was not critical of the families.  Also I'm not a Dem.

    Personally, I want you and your Dem leadership to keep beating this drum. Rim shot away

    • Agree 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, Scraps said:

    Did the families request that they all show up?  How do you know that.  How and when?  At least 1 family said they specifically did not ask Harris to "show up".  After some of these families spoke at the RNC, it doesn't seem right that they would invite Biden and Harris.


    It seems like some families of the 13 want there to be a spectacle.  This is why individual families are not allowed to determine which Arlington National Cemetery rules to ignore.

    The families are putting themselves in-between you Dems and Trump. You and the Dems are stupid if you don't move on.

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