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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. I've been critical for years about not having a receiver that could go up and get the 50/50 balls. He's probably that guy
  2. Candidates and their campaigns have the right to challenge election results, and even take those challenges all the way to the SCOTUS, IMO
  3. Most attempts at slicing up degrees of actions, be they personal or official is getting into the ridiculous. Viewing this as a Trump win or loss is also ridiculous. The POTUS has to be given much discretion here.
  4. Well, my caution to you and the dems, is that we'll shall see how your actions impact our future politics. We've already got an impeachment coming out of the repub controlled house. Now we have the dem controlled senate shelving the constitutionally required trial in regards to that impeachment. We're circling the drain my friend. You're contributing to a ugly new normal.
  5. What the dems are doing will have a much more significant impact to the health of America. Impeachment is now commonplace. Lawfare against political opponents will now be commonplace. Think back in history, even recent history. Clinton? Regan? Kennedy? Nixon? Johnson? Apply what is being normalized today to any of our past elected officlals? Holy shyt are we in trouble now!
  6. We're living it daily How do you know if it's hurting him or not? You can't imply that either Dems are doing some pretty nasty things
  7. Reality is that the dems have been using lawfare against Trump for over 7yrs now. I really do not like Trump at all. But what you Dems have done to our country these past 7yrs is really sad. We'll never recover.
  8. It is very common for settlements be paid by one's attorney. This isn't odd or peculiar at all. It is also very common to classify settlements as legal expenses.
  9. repubs have historically been the pro strong defense, pro war demographic. Dems have historically been the pro peace demographic. Weird shyt going on anymore
  10. I think we've got some honest Repubs in the House and a bunch of Dems without the balls to be honest with their votes.
  11. We're about to see whether there are enough Dems in the House with the balls that Johnson had to get this passed. What's your guess Billsy
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