Fantasy tip. Hill remains listed as a TE in ESPN's Fantasy game and he's projected to score 28pts. Not bad for a TE
EDIT > sorry, I see this has already been covered above.
Is the lack of run production our RBs or the O line? Or perhaps the play calling?
Personally, I can't conclude it's the RBs. Our RBs are usually getting popped a yard or two in the backfield.
3rd Quarters
I'm at my wits end about our 3rd quarter issues. Coaches can't fix it. Player's can't fix it. I don't know what goes on in the locker room at half time. Somethings got to change. Quit handing out juice boxes. Get rid of the fruit trays. Call in an exorcist. Something!
Do they track penalties by quarter? We've got to have twice what anyone else has in the 3rd quarter. Shouldn't be the case after the half-time break and adjustments.