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Everything posted by Rosen-not-Chosen

  1. I made up my mind that he is innocent until proven guilty, which is how it works...
  2. Can you protest at work without getting reprimanded or fired? If so, you have a freedom at work most people do not. NFL TV ratings anyone???
  3. Playing in the NFL is not a right.
  4. Kaepernick is a SJW leftist extremist snowflake who got what he deserves. If you can't just play football, listen to your coaches, don't embarrass your fan base/city, get the hell out of the NFL. Besides, he wasn't a very good QB anyways.
  5. Some trainwrecks happen, can't be avoided.
  6. He was given opportunity after opportunity and he screwed them all up, I have no sympathy either.
  7. I'm not saying he is blameless, but he did a hell of a job considering who he had to work for.
  8. He worked for one of the worst sports owners ever, and then worked for some of the most clueless sports owners ever, all the while getting the fan base to hand over buckets of money to see loser franchises. Masterful...
  9. Yeah, because that will win SuperBowls. But as long as the women are happy, that's all that matters...
  10. Humans don't like each other unless they belong to the same tribe, it's nothing new. There are a lot more tribes these days, and you can be a part of one sitting at a keyboard, it's simply too easy these days, hence the reason it's everywhere.
  11. It means don't cry about lack of decency online, it's better than getting you head chopped off for losing the ball game, or your kid thrown in a lake to appease the gods...
  12. Odds are she is too inexperienced and this puts the franchise farther behind others in the league.
  13. It's a phase brought on by the internet and social media. But, go live as an Aztec back in the day, see how much decency there was back then...
  14. It's similar enough, underqualified, got the job because she's family. I assumed it was temporary, knowing it's permanent tells me these owners are bush league.
  15. I was pissed the night EJ was drafted, I felt the same when Allen was drafted. I was pissed when we didn't get Roethlisberger because Donahoe sucked, however, I had no feeling on what Losman was, I foolishly gave him a chance.
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