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Everything posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. I think that Shaw stays. I think that Greer might make it too as our 5th corner.
  2. The first thing that struck me about the game tonight was how bad Tasker was. He would be my first cut if I was in charge. Either the guy needs glasses or his spotter should be shot. The Sobieski on the sack was my favorite call of the night.
  3. My thoughts exactly. The only way that Haddad or Smith can make the team is on special teams, but I don't think that either one is better than McGee, Reed, or Clements at returning punts & kicks. So unless one of them has 2 or 3 return TD's tonight they will be cut.
  4. If you have a pool, throw your lawn furniture in it. It will keep it from blowing into the next county. The pool water can also be used to fill your toilet tank. Get any of your lawn gnomes or pink flamingos out of the lawn and into your garage. Do all of your laundry before it comes. Most of all, be safe. I lived in Sarasota for about 5 years and had a few scares but no hits. Never would have thought that a hurricane could be as severe as Charley. If it stays a 4 or 5, I would make sure that you get to a shelter or a VERY Solid building to stay in. Better to be alive and thought of as a Wuss, than to be dead and brave.
  5. Western NY has the world's largest supply of Butterfaces. I can't count how many times I saw a girl form behind or accross the street and thought she was hot until I saw her face. Thank God for paper bags.
  6. Damn, I'm a Mary-Kate kind of guy. Was hoping that I would get to do both of them.
  7. How much of his signing bonus do you think he has left? I'm sure he has some of it, but he probably has spent the majority on houses, cars, travel, and bud. There is no way that he has all of the money to pay back the Phins. Probably any lawyer would have advised him to file bankruptcy, not just scumbag ones. I'm not justifying what he's doing, just making the point that he doesn't have many options if someone is suing him for more than he has.
  8. Haven't been to LA in a long while but there is a public course in Palos Verdes (just south of Torrance) that was great. Beautiful view of the ocean from every hole! They used to have a reservation system where you had to call a week ahead to get a tee time on the public courses. You might want to look into it to be sure that you get some good tee times.
  9. I thought that Sape looked good the other night. I might need to join his fan club.
  10. "He was beautiful! He was young. He was innocent. He was the greatest piece of ass I ever had, and I've had'em all over the world!" Tom "Woltz" Brady to Tom Hagen
  11. I knew I kept my Flutie jersey for a reason.
  12. I hate to agree with ICE but he is right. This was only a preseason game and everyone is acting like the season is a washout. I wonder how many suicides there were in New England last week when they got thumped 31-3 by the Bengals? The offense played ok especially with the Bills missing Jennings and Price on the line and TH. Because of the loss of Jennings we ran a 2 tight end set most of the game. Special teams and defense were missing McGee who has been one of the stars so far. TB got hurt but so what? How many games was he expected to start this year? Milloy's injury was a jolt, but he may be back in time for the start of the season and I feel that Wire can adequately play the position. He had a pic and several decent tackles last night. Do we have some problem areas? Yes, notably OL and K. But I still see us being better this season if for no other reason than the loss of GW and KB. That should equal 2 more wins at least.
  13. Larry Felser's article in the Sunday News talked about why Hamm should have either given up the medal or the USOC should have forced him to. He says that the US can gain respect in the world by forcing this 21 year old gymnast to give up his lifelong dream. I don't think so! As previos posts have stated, the Koreans had their chance to protest and missed it. Also, are we going to start allowing after-the-fact replays to correct mistakes? Then start by giving th US the B-Ball Gold from 1972. Upon further review, the US got screwed. Hey, if the IOC wants to admit that they fugged up and give an "additional" gold to the Korean, go ahead. Just don't go asking a US kid who gave a true heroic performance to give up the medal that he earned!
  14. You may be forgetting that ABC also owns ESPN. I don't see how they could make a "fortune". Also, MNF has been more of a loss-leader than a cash cow for years.
  15. Thanks, I'll calm down now.
  16. I downloaded and installed it a couple of days ago. No problems for me at all. The problem with this kind of update is that everone has a different configuration and sometimes one size does not fit all. My sympathies to those that are having problems.
  17. Well, it's got to be a Springfield with a Nuclear Power Plant, plus a broken down Monorail. Also, the town was named after Jebediah Springfield, so maybe someone can check on geneology to see where he settled. Maybe we should change the name of the city of Buffalo to Springfield and change the Bills to the Isotopes.
  18. I wonder if my wife could learn anything from this. Our dog has already taught her how to roll over and play dead.
  19. I like the red bag in the trunk. Looks like a kilo of pot. I wonder if they throw it in free with purchase.
  20. I am just so glad to be rid of KG and GW. I just wish that it wouldn't have taken a season flushed down the toilet to finally rid us of those 2 losers.
  21. My opinion would be to put him on IR. If he misses 10-12 weeks, there would be no reason to try to play him this year. We could always just carry 2 qb's and have an extra roster spot for some other position. If DB goes down, we can always add another qb later.
  22. Folks, we have a winner!!!!!
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