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Everything posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. Just one more thing wrong with Buffalo. They go through all of the trouble to get the community involved in picking a design and then a year later they decide to start over. Why don't they just build a bridge...any !@#$ing bridge...and get it over with. This bridge will probably not be built for 10-20 years, but in the meantime they will oppose any private effort to build a truck bridge.
  2. He probably snuck into Vietnam disguised as a 1-2 year old baby. The little Phuck probably killed many US servicemen.
  3. I've played hockey, my 2 kids both play, and I've been a hockey fan all of my life. However, both sides have really !@#$ed up and put the game in a death spiral. The NHL is gone for at least a year if not longer. Once they settle, it better be for a percentage of the gate, because the gate is going to be low. It's going to take a long time for the fans to come back and fill an arena. Yes, the hard-core season ticket holders will be back, but I think the average fan is not going to be as excited. TV revenue has been cut drastically, and will any National network care to even get involved since ratings will be more anemic than pre-strike? In Buffalo, the Empire Network will be gone, so who knows who will carry the games and how many will be televised. No matter what the players and owners decide, the Sabres are going to have a very tough time making a profit.
  4. Maybe Ricky wanted out before he ended up with a limp fo rthe rest of his life. If a man decides he wants to retire, it is his personal decision and people should respect that. Especially if it a Dolfelon that wants to retire.
  5. Wal-mart introduces their new line of generic Depends.
  6. I'm just glad that I decided to stay in bed with my wife until about 10:00. Sure beat standing in the rain praying that the $5 can openers would still be in-stock.
  7. I think ICE, stevestojan, NJSue would rumble before the first round of drinks, but it would be fun to watch.
  8. At least the dude has a sense of humor.
  9. Yeah, we were all there to greet Drew because we thought he was going to take us back to the playoffs and wipe our memories of the RJ years. Other than his first half season, he has done nothing to move us in position to make the playoffs and has caused incredible anguish to true Bills fans. How could we not want an upgrade over DB?? I don't wish him evil or anything, I just want someone else to get the Bills out of this funk. Drew has gotten plenty of chances and has only shown us that he is no longer the QB that he once was.
  10. The OT's are clearly marked "OT". Don't click if they offend you so much. I enjoy the jokes and the T&A and stories about stevestojan's lovelife, etc.
  11. That was funny. I hope we're still laughing about them for years to come.
  12. When I saw that it had sold on eBay, I thought someone ran up the price as a joke. Can't believe someone would pay that. I took a stevestojan today and thought it looked a lot like Ron Artest. Maybe BF would make me an offer for it.
  13. My wife makes 2 different cheesecakes, a chocolate covered one and a caramel-apple one with a crust made mostly of crushed walnuts. Awesome! I also love pecan, pumpkin, lemon meringue, apple, blueberry, cocoanut cream pies.
  14. I have had a copy of it for the past week and have listened to it a lot. A real diverse mix of songs but all are great.
  15. I am not yet a subscriber, nor do I own any stock in either. Personally, I see myself taking the plunge at some point in the near future. For about $10 a month, you get a choice of a bunch of specific music type stations that are commercial free. No more listening to 10 commercials in between each song and the short playlist of each station. Also, you can listen in the car, or hook up to your home stereo, or use as a walkman. There are starting to be some deals with free equipment as long as you sign up for a year. This would be the jumping in point for a lot of people. I think that FM radio is going to get hammered by sattelite radio in the next couple of years. Advertisers won't want to pay for a smaller number of listeners. It's too bad that you have to make a decision between the 2 providers as both have exclusive content that the other doesn't have.
  16. Takeo isn't going anywhere. Jennings can be replaced for a lot less money than he is going to want.
  17. Yes, the zoo is already looking to place its animals with other zoos. If the red budget should pass they would not have time to place all of them in the short time until their funds are cut. So even if the taxes are raised the zoo is going to lose a bunch of animals. And, any animals that are moved are moved permanently. As for libraries, you can no longer renew a book. The last day to check out a book is Dec 7, and all materials have to be returned by Dec 21. If the "red" passes, all libraries will be shut Jan 1. Giambra blames Albany because Erie County's annual Medicaid bill is higher than the total of all county property taxes. Albany says that Giambra is to blame because he cut property taxes a couple of times and has also squandered the tobacco settlement money. The politicians are playing a game of chicken and the Erie County residents are stuck in the middle.
  18. Giambra wants to raise the sales tax to 9.25% to cover the Medicaid costs for the county. In order to force the county legislature and the state assembly to let him do it, he has proposed a "red" scorched earth budget that will go into place without the new sales tax. This budget eliminates libraries, snow plowing, sheriff patrols and about 3,000 county workers. The legislature has to approve a budget by Dec 7, at which time this whole fiasco should be worked out. I hadn't thought about it affecting the Bills game in January, but I guess the Sheriff patrols would have to be replaced by some other means if the "red" budget goes into effect.
  19. Warning sick, non-humorous reply ahead: I hope he didn't gut the 5 guys.
  20. I don't think that the it was mop up time yet at the start of the 4th qtr. The Rams can score quick. Then what do we do, put the starters back in. I wouldn't have done it until about 4 min left or so. Drew is on life support right now. If we lay an egg next week in Seattle, I think the JP era will start.
  21. I'm just glad that he didn't give us the line of crap that their actions are excusable because they are black and come from a different background where people get beat up like that everyday. Some of the most powerful pictures from that fiasco were the shots of young kids who had to witness the thuggery. Bet they won't be asking dad to take them to a game again soon.
  22. You prpbably need a minimum of 10 returns or so. Freddie only has 2 or 3.
  23. It's a good thing his friends didn't call him Speedy Gonzales, He'd have to decide between the S or the G. As long as he keeps it up, he can change his name weekly if he wants.
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