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Everything posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. Mac's silence speaks volumes about his steroid use. There is no doubt in my mind. And, Waxman does look like a ratman.
  2. Congressman: Mark McGuire, what did you have for breakfast this morning? McGuire: I can't comment on the past. I can only say positive things about the future. Tomorrow morning I'll be having corn flakes. Congressman: Mark, is baseball doing enough to stop steroid use? McGuire: I'm retired, so I can't comment on that. Congressman: Sammy Sosa, are players who take steroids cheaters? Sosa: Yes, I never took steroids and am not a cheater except for corking a few bats.
  3. You don't get better by committing too much of your cap to special teamers. Unless a guy is a great return man or the second coming of Steve Tasker, he has to be able to backup a position on the team. Especially if he is going to make more than the vet minimum.
  4. They cut Fiedler and Boston and Seau redid his contract. That should have given them some room
  5. I can't wait for the Cellino and Barnes commercials for dog injuries. I hope my dog doesn't sue me for mental anguish for faking the tennis ball throw. Also, I told him I was taking him to be tutored when I took him to be neutered.
  6. Harvey Wallbanger - basically a screwdriver with Galiano floated on top. Gives it an extra kick, and is mighty tasty. If you want a few shots stick to kamikazes or vodka gimlets.
  7. What about the classics: Bobby Sherman The Partridge Family - that little girl plays a mean bass.
  8. But from that sight, people are saying it jumped the shark in season 1. IMO, season 1 was terrific from start to finish.
  9. I'm just surprised that with all of the crap out there...American Idol singers, boy bands, talentless lip-synching girls, punk rocker wannabees, geriatric rock bands, all country bands, etc, people are mostly hating the DMB. IMO, the DMB is one of the best jam bands around and has some great musicians especially Carter Beauford on drums.
  10. Yes, it was definitely Al.
  11. I guess Travis really doesn't want to get traded and be a starter somewhere. TD gives Travis the power to shop himself and he comes up with nothing. I guess Travis isn't as good as he thinks he is.
  12. It's amazing the number of morons who install a wireless network and don't bother to secure it.
  13. My guess is that if the trial starts going against him, he will pull a Roman Polanski and get his ass out of the country. He came close to having his bail revoked yesterday. That would be great to have him rot in jail for the remainder of his trial.
  14. Undergrad: SUNY at Buffalo - 1980 Grad School: University of Southern California - 1988 (Go Trojans!)
  15. I have an American Eskimo. They are about 20 lbs full grown. Mine is great with kids and is extremely affectionate. He also will bark his balls off at anyone who comes near our house. I got him when I lived in FL and now live in Buffalo and he was fine in both climates. One nice thing about the breed is snow does not stick to his fur. So when he goes out in it he doesn't get all of the little ice balls in his fur like most dogs. American Eskimo info
  16. Anyone notice how bad Sly looked? Looks like he has had a few face lifts at some bargain outlet.
  17. At first the red budget was supposed to just scare us all into accepting the sales tax increase. More and more people started thinking that enough is enough. Let's cut out all of the crap first and then we can look for ways to reopen parks or the things that are important to us. First though, it was necessary to put the county on a diet to cut some fat. It's too bad that whenever budget problems arise, they have to first threaten to cut the services that people care about such as parks and libraries. I'm glad that we didn't give in on this. Yes, it sucks that 1200 people are losing their jobs, but things have gotten way way out of hand. How can you continue to increase the number of workers as the population keeps shrinking?
  18. Deadwood is great tv! I had recently got a DVR and had recorded and rewatched the 1st season. Al is one of the best characters ever on any show.
  19. Like Hendrix said: "Scuse me while I kiss this guy" Or Michael Jackson in "Billie Jean" "That chair is not my son"
  20. Damn, I wanted to put "Bum F u c k" on my Bledsoe jersey/
  21. I'm glad that they offed her. The world is going to hell in a hand basket and the director is running every few minutes to talk to her daughter. Why couldn't they just sedate the girl until the 23 hrs were over with?
  22. You can always change the name to R. Johnson.
  23. Now that you have a corporate job, does that mean you will have much more time to post here.
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