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Everything posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. Si.com article Finally, it's official. The Chosen One is out for the season with a torn ACL.
  2. Dude, don't do it. You are much too young. The next thing you know, she's pregnant with your second or third kid, you can't afford a haircut so you start wearing a mullet, and you're driving a rusted out 1984 Chevy station wagon. That's a damn ugly picture! Now go ask her if she would mind you sleeping with her sister or best friend. Either you get the boot, or a very good time.
  3. But wasn't there a draft after the 2003-2004 season? This would be the second draft without playing a season.
  4. It depends on how bad he blows. If he looks like the second coming of RJ, we'll see KH soon.
  5. The problem is that the crappiest teams have already had their high draft picks last season. Since there was no season, I don't think that it's fair that they get to pick again automatically. I'm sure that this is one of the topics of discussion in coming up with the new CBA.
  6. I like the old home jerseys but the road blues were ugly. I like the red alternate jersey much better than the "Satanic Goat" too. The Sabres will have a young exciting team if they just get all of their players back. If with the lower cap, we are able to bring in a few star or semi-star players, the Sabres could have a surprisingly good team and will be fun to watch. I wonder what the layoff will do to some of the players who chose to not play anywhere last year. Marty Biron comes to mind. Will they be able to get back in top shape? I also wonder how the draft lottery would work this year. It would be sweet to get Sidney Crosby.
  7. I always thought that it was kind of sleazy to have players buy their favorite number from another player. It should be based on seniority only. If a guy wants to give up his number for free, so be it. But this payment for a number is sleazy. The guy with the number doesn't want to give it up to a rookie but he will if he is paid enough for it. But, Portis is an a-hole for not paying. They even wrote up a contract since the other guy didn't want to trust Portis' word. Guess he must of thought Portis was a sleazebag if he wouldn't just take his word on it.
  8. The only reason he would vote no is if they didn't include a big enough bribe for him. I'm sure they know that he is a whore, now they just have to dicker over price.
  9. That Beeyotch deserved it. At least most cops have video of their stops and arrests. It would have been a little overdone if it was just a speeding ticket, but with the suspended license, etc, they were well within their right to taser her ass. Actually once she started wailing, I believe it should have been within their rights to shoot her and put her out of her misery.
  10. Cool, we could use a few more shootouts on the nightly news.
  11. I enjoyed your novel except for your calling JP "RJ". Please try not to use the initials RJ in any discussion of JP as it may lead to bad Karma. Thank you!
  12. I didn't see the interview. Did they at least have a fruit basket for him? I'm sure Kevin Sr. likes fruit too.
  13. This list is pure stojan! Where's Danny Partridge of the Partridge Family? Or, the guitar playing robot at Chuck E. Cheese?
  14. Come on. I'm sure that the minors were all scarred for life. The only thing that I would have arrested her for was for getting such a skanky stripper. It's not like the stripper gave bj's to all of them. It would be different also if the stripper was underage. But, this was in the privacy of their own home.
  15. I just got back from a "Wingfest" at my friend's house. He has a turkey fryer and we cooked up several batches (about 10 lbs of wings). They were awesome!! Make sure that the oil is hot, fry until crisp and use a good sauce recipe. Serve with ice cold Labatt's Blue. It doesn't get much better than this!
  16. I'm not even sure that the NHL can afford the 24-28 million "floor". After the long layoff, they will have some work to do to get back the fans other than the die-hards. The players are so stupid. Each delay costs them more and more money. No player will ever make enough to make up for the money that they lost. The worst of the owners' proposals from last year will end up being higher than the final agreement they make. Last year, it seemed that the union was out for an agreement that would ensure high pay for the top players at the detriment of the rest of them. Not even the top players are going to benefit from a new agreement. No team will be able to afford to pay 8-10 million for one player and still be able to field a decent team. From a fan standpoint though, I think that this will have some big benefits. Ticket prices will be headed down and teams will have to really offer discounts to get the fans back. And lastly, my biggest complaint. with no NHL news and little NFL news, the sports section lately doesn't even last for a good crap.
  17. I think that you have it wrong. The players are going to demand a % of revenue with local revenue included. Let's say they get 60% of all revenue as a salary cap. 60% of the Redskins total revenue may be 100% of the Bills total revenue. Which means that in order to spend the cap dollars Ralph has to pay 100% of his revenue. He can't afford to do this so he lowers the Bills payroll accordingly and the Bills can no longer keep or sign free agents. Ralph's not fighting for past dollars. Snyder and Jones have been spending a lower % of their revenue to meet the cap. Ralph knows that the players are going to want the local revenue included in any new CBA. If the smaller market teams don't get a share of the total league revenues, none of them can compete with the big boys.
  18. The bigger issue is what are the "defined" revenues for the CBA. These revenues should be shared so that each team is able to contribute the same percentage to salaries. The problem is that the players want as much in the pool as possible and will fight to include luxury boxes and other revenue that was not shared before. If Snyder and Jones want to get revenue from race cars or whatever, they can keep it to themselves as long as it is not "defined" revenue for the CBA. BTW, I'm sure the Bills work harder to market and fill their stadium than a team that was a 50,000 person waiting list for season tickets.
  19. I have a sure fire cure for insomnia: I ask my wife for a beer and a sloppy bj. After she hits me in the head with the beer bottle, I sleep straight through til morning.
  20. TH may be dumb as a rock and can't block, but he gives a team a proven 1,000 yard rusher. To a team without one, that is a big deal. I would let him rot on the bench before I took a 5th rounder for him. No sense in helping an opponent out of a jam unless the value is right. I would hate to give TH away and then have a problem with WM this year. How much will it take for us to get a 1,000 yard back if something happens to WM?
  21. Good luck with the new job. You've gotten some good advice here. You weren't leaving for more money, you were looking for a different situation.
  22. He was signed to help our defensive lineman gain confidence. Even our backup DL will be feeling like worldbeaters.
  23. Wow, what a great episode. Lots of murders, a suicide, a gutting, a wedding, and boobies. Al was at his best manipulating everyone to his ends. Al is my hero!
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