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Everything posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. I don't know much about UCC but if it is anything like the Catholic church, you have committed 51 sins last year for going to church only on Xmas plus all of the holy days that you missed. Unfortunately, you're probably going to hell with the gays anyways.
  2. I'm kind of a newcomer to the PPP board, but it seems to me that most posters here are slightly to the right of Fascist. They probably think that most of the above are too "liberal".
  3. Also, the Church of Scientology is always looking for a few good nut jobs. Proof of alien possession is optional.
  4. Well, the religious right is mobilized and committed to overturning roe v. wade and also to outlaw abortion. They also feel that Bush owes them for their support in the last election. I'm not sure that our country is ready for even a few state bans.
  5. I really don't see how allowing gays to marry in your church is so frightening. Are you worried that it might cause you to get the urge to switch teams? I'm sure that no one will force you to attend their gay wedding.
  6. I agree with your points and also agree that Saddam had to go. What I don't agree with is the logic that states that: A. 9/11 was the work of terrorists B. Iraq supports terrorism Therefore, Iraq is responsible for 9/11 and should be bombed. The Saudis left some pretty big fingerprints on 9/11, but got a free pass as they supply us with oil. Every day it seems more and more apparent that Bush went for Iraq first because he had a hard-on for Saddam. Since a hard-on is not usually a good reason to start a war, we had to do the WMD song and dance first. Now that that was a myth, let's call ti a war for the victims of 9/11. It would mean much more to the memory of those who died on 9/11 to seek revenge against those responsible rather than use their blood to justify a war against someone else.
  7. If Rove goes to prison, he may also change his views on gay marriage. I bet he quickly marries the biggest con in the joint or he will have a full dance card.
  8. I have no doubt that we will get a 3rd in the next month. Also, I would rather send him to Tenn than the jags. The Jags are closer to a playoff team and TH might still have a lot left.
  9. He doesn't want it back NOW, because it makes him look like an idiot. But if they would have checked after Putin walked off with the ring, they would have noticed that he sh-- his pants.
  10. IMO, Nate is better than Winfield. Winfield is one of the best ever in run support, but a huge number of his tackles were pushing the receiver out of bounds after a 10 yard out. It always seemed like he was giving way too much cushion. Nate is a better coverage corner and has much better hands and big play ability. Throw in his return skills and he is much more valuable to the Bils than AW.
  11. TD really needs to tie up Nate for the long-term now. If they can't find a way to do it before the season starts, Nate will be gone next year. Unless of course, they franchise him. But that will probably be a $10 million one year deal. TD needs to find a cap-friendly way of doing it now.
  12. I am not absolving the Democrats of anything. But to me, Republicans have had a free reign in stripping our freedoms in the last few years such as the so-called Patriot Act, the Schiavo mess, etc. The Bill of Rights seemed to work pretty good for the first 200 years or so. I wish EVERYONE would just leave it the !@#$ alone.
  13. Did I say anything about hypocrisy being confined to the right? No. But, since when are leftist wackos to blame for restricting free speech or home seizures? You might want to make sure that you take your meds before you start posting in the morning.
  14. I would blame your friend if he just did her but if he was with his gf and your ex decides to do them as a couple, he is blameless. Once a threesome was in the offing, he was free to partake. We're talking about a once in a lifetime chance here. How often is a guy out with his gf going to be given a chance like this? I would have thought less of him if he had turned down the menage. BTW, the real hero here is Russ' gf.
  15. Why is it that the conservative and religious nut jobs will not tolerate any restrictions on gun rights but have basically shred the the rights to free speech and privacy? They give it a name like the "Patriot Act" and look upon any dissent as treason. They want special powers to combat terrorism and use the same powers to go after law-abiding citizens who are exercising their rights to free speech.
  16. I'm sure that he has been squirted in the face lots of times. This was the first time that it was water.
  17. Like every other profession, there are good chiro's and bad ones. I have been to a number of them over the years and most have helped. You can usually tell the idiots after the first visit. Get the name of a good chiro from family or friends and give it a try. It can't hurt and usually they can get you out of pain in the first visit.
  18. Look, the kid's mom comes to him and says that the kid was molested by MJ. I'm sure that he wishes that she was less of a scumbag, but a victim is a victim so he had to prosecute. I'm sure that he was cringing through her testimony. What should he have done? Told her that he didn't see it as a solid winner so he wouldn't file charges? I'm sure that he did as good as he could with what he had.
  19. Taxes are already too high but the gutting of the parks and county services will make this area less attractive to tourists and people wanting to relocate. I think that most people will go along with a tax increase as long as there is fiscal responsibility involved. In other words, don't spend it on bureacracy and patronage. Spend it on making the area more livable.
  20. Thanks for a terrific read and to Fake-Fat Sunny for the well written diatribe. Buffalo and Erie County have a lot to offer if the politicians would just get their act together. We need new community leaders to step up and get us moving in the right direction. The waterfront has got to be the longest running joke along with the dilapidated grain elevators, new bridges, etc. I hate to say it but even after the cuts in government, we are going to have to come up with tax money to keep the services that make this area great. It really is ridiculous that we had to close the county parks and beaches. The closing of the county dmv offices, and gutting of county road repair crews have added more hassle to our daily lives.
  21. I agree that it could be argued that all religions are cults, but from what I have read, Scientology is quite a stretch from other religions. I may be wrong but I thought that Scientologists don't believe in any kind of higher being, be it a god, cow, fire, or cockroach.
  22. I didn't know that Scientology was a religion. I thought it was a cult.
  23. The best revenge is to show her that you are over her already. If you talk to a friend of hers tell them that you are already seeing someone better. Call up the B word and tell her that you need something that you left at her place as you are taking a girl to the Poconos for the weekend or some similar sh--. Tell her that this chick has been after you for a while, but that you have been putting her off until you were free. Also, make sure that you tell anyone that will listen that she was a lousy lay and had a lot of weird habits that you won't miss. Make a point of calling her friends or sisters and tell them that you really cared for her even though she was becoming very unstable lately. Show some caring attitude and hopefully you can get into their pants. Nobody likes a whiny guy, so suck it up and don't let anyone know that it bothers you. You might also need to nail a few fat or ugly chicks to regain your confidence. Just make sure that no one you know sees you.
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