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Everything posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. I can form my own opinion, but it seems that a lot of the posters here are Conservatives who would rather read Right wing editorials or the RNC talking points in order to understand an issue. Just because listening to Rush gives you a hard-on, it doesn't mean that it is the unadulterated truth. It also doesn't do your car any good to slap the dashboard and shout "Amen" everytime Rush finishes a thought.
  2. Yes, editorials sometime include facts, but they always include opinions. I would rather see the facts without someone's opinion of what the facts mean.
  3. This guy is a nut job. How he could have ever got elected in the first place is beyond me.
  4. The article in question is from the Wall St Journal Editorial Page. Therefore, I would not take this opinion as fact. I don't think it matters what the Democrats and Republicans want to spin about it. The truth will come out in the grand jury and if Rove did it, they will indict him for it or for perjury. If the grand jury doesn't indict him, you can be reasonably certain that he did nothing wrong, as grand juries are stacked in the prosecutors favor since the burden of proof is a lot lower for indictment than for conviction. It is a little telling that Bush distanced himself a little today from supporting Rove. I think Bush is leaning towards letting the investigation be the final arbitor on this matter. This is probably the fairest way to handle it.
  5. Actually, this is a Southern tradition. Nothing like beating your wife after a nice meal at the Waffle House.
  6. You've got to hand it to them. Nobody surrenders as good as the French. They even surrendered the 2016 Olympics before there was any bidding.
  7. I'm neither an enemy of the President nor a political enemy of the President. I personally support and respect the President even if I don't always agree with his stance on an issue. I guess that I misunderstood the "That person will be taken care of" to mean that the person would be fired. Possibly, he meant to say that if it was a flunky in the White House, he would be fired, but if it was someone important, we would spin his way out of it. There is a difference. As far as you having no doubt - or anyone on this board - that Mr Rove would be taken care of, I just hope that if he did leak the information, he gets more than just a massage with a happy ending.
  8. I didn't know that I was replying to you, unless you are the boyfriend.
  9. I grew up on Mt Vernon Blvd near the big circle, just 2 streets over. I bet that you don't miss all of the trains going by at night.
  10. Salfrancos is now Danny's.
  11. Just make sure that your boyfriend wears a condom.
  12. Well, everyone is doing a good job arguing semantics here. Was she a covert agent? Did he name her by name? Was her husband dirty? The real issue is that the White House stated a long time ago that Rove was not involved at all and that if the person who leaked the information is in the administration, that that person would be fired! It seems VERY VERY CLEAR that Rove was involved and talked to the reporter about Wilson's wife being in CIA. This seems to be enough to be fired per the White House statement. The rest is just spin...ummm...she wasn't a covert agent. Ummmmm...he didn't name her by name, etc. Ummmm...if we knew Rove would be caught, we would never have said that the person would be fired.
  13. You don't think that killing all criminals is maybe just a little overboard? I agree that the incident in Idaho was terrible and violent criminals should be left to rot in jail. But all bad guys should be killed? Who decides who the bad guys are?
  14. A big demonstration and one cop gets beat up, so we should stop letting people protest? I feel bad for the cop and the attackers should be arrested and sent to jail. But dissent is a vital part of democracy, even if you don't agree with what they have to say. Personally, I don't think that there is enough protesting and dissent going on. Back when I was in college, students were exposed to various points of view. Who doesn't remember cutting classes, getting high, hoping chicks would burn their bras and being a liberal concerned with bettering our world? We then graduated, got jobs, and became Republicans so that we could pay less in taxes. Nowadays, kids are forming Republican groups on campus. If you start out on the right, where do you end up after graduation? I think that it's vitally important to instill a little liberal guilt during the impressionable years. It might make people more tolerant of others as they get older. Just my 2 cents. I'll shut up now.
  15. Maybe we need to have our own suicide bombers to sneak in and blow up scum like this idiot. Maybe leak that Islam approves of abortion or something, that should mobilize an army of Christian fundamentalists after them. Or, recruit the Young Republicans, they seem be fanatical enough. Or, we could start things by sending one of our own. I nominate Rich in Ohio.
  16. Wow, if that was a fight, they would have stopped it. Ron Jr needs to stick to interviewing children or at least adults with learning disabilities to level the playing field. It was nice to see Ron Jr. exposed as the lightweight that he is.
  17. This is one of the funniest posts that I have read in a while. The White House is already backing away from earlier assertions about "firing" the leak and that Rove had nothing to do with it. I would think that with all the righteousness, dignity and valor that goes with being a Republican, Karl Rove would gladly fall on his sword due to there being even a hint of wrong doing. Because that's what being a Republican is all about! Holding yourself to a higher standard should be the new Republican motto.
  18. It really depends on what you are looking for. I lived in Sarasota, FL for 5 years and came back and bought a $150,000 house in the Village of Hamburg. Nice 4 bed house only a block from the Hamburg schools. Taxes are about $4,000/yr. Sounds like a lot but my total mtg pmt is only $1,050 including taxes. My mother-in-law just sold her nice 3 bed house in Orchard Park for $125,000 and my Aunt just sold her 3 bed house in Depew for $120,000. The point is that even though the taxes are high, the overall housing costs is very low compared to almost anywhere else. If you want a new house in the burbs, you can get a nice one for a little over $200,000. Taxes will be about $6,000/year. All summer, the city has a ton going on with Allentown Art Fest, free concerts in the square downtown, Taste of Buffalo, Italian Festival, Music is Art festival, etc, etc, etc. Then come fall, you have the Bills, what more do you need!
  19. Well, the only way Dubya makes it to Mt. Rushmore is if he buys a ticket. But, I agree that this was a good piece of economic news. Everyone can find some fault with the numbers but at least it is positive news. Let's hope it continues.
  20. I'm surprised that they didn't pay her the $150 to put her clothes back on or at least to put a bag over her head. She is skanky looking.
  21. As someone previously stated the entry-level salary is capped at $850,000 for a players first 3 years. Yes, he can make much more money playing in Switzerland, but he won't have all of the NHLers playing there with him. I guess it depends on how much money figures into his plans. He can probably make an awful lot in endorsements in Canada, but only if he plays in the NHL. The Sabres are set up well for the new NHL with a lot of young exciting players with low salaries. After all of the high-priced players are dumped, the Sabres could even fill out the roster with some good talent at reasonable prices. Crosby coming to Buffalo would really make the Sabres an exciting team to watch. Remember, we got lucky once before in the draft with a guy named Perreault!
  22. Hopefully, there first ruling will be that avatars that show squirrels with their nuts hanging low is no longer protected speech by the first amendment and can be prosecuted under the newly passed "Moral Values Bill".
  23. I was just trying to reply something as equally absurd as your retarded post. You might want to try some ex-lax, it might make you a little less anal-retentive.
  24. Why? Have the Republicans already put out the talking points about why the US was spared because of the good job we're doing in Iraq?
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