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Everything posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. I fixed my typo before you responded. Sorry. I don't dislike the current White House. I dislike Republican and Democrats who lie, cheat, or steal, or otherwise think that they are above the law. I dislike Pelosi and DeLay almost evenly. This makes me different from the "my party is always right, even when they are wrong" parrots that inhabitate this board. No rational person can say that they agree with the entire platform of either party, but no one wants to say anything negative about their party. I like my politics with a little from column A and some from column B. I think that most others do too, although most posters here won't admit to it.
  2. Well, as far as other issues: The President's Social Security proposal is DOA Nobody wants to do anything about the looming Medicare crisis The Bills training camp doesn't start for another 2 weeks Can't we just watch these 2 squirm a little in the meantime?
  3. No, I was referring more to this: By uttering, "I heard that too", he basically confirmed the information that the reporter already had gotten from Rove. But, the main point I was making was that 2 years ago, the White House stated that these 2 were not involved at all. Now it's become: They were involved but we can give you reasons why it wasn't so bad. To an educated person, there is a difference between these.
  4. I didn't know that the prosecutor looking into this would have been working on Social security instead of finding out who leaked the info.
  5. Well, the Republicans can spin all that they want but now two senior White House officials have been connected to this mess after the White House specifically said 2 years ago that the 2 of them were not involved at all. The Republican tone has changed from "those involved will be dealt with" to "Umm...she was only a desk jockey anyways...Ummm...she was already outed...ummm...she shouldn't have recommended her husband...ummm...it wasn't that big of a deal...ummm...this is only partisan attacks...ummm...they didn't name her by name...ummmm...must be the liberal press....ummm...must be a left wing conspiracy...ummm...people should just read right wing op-eds to get the facts...ummm...ummm"
  6. Maybe Jax can jump back in with that 2nd rounder after all.
  7. Exactly my thinking. Who cares. They bought him, they can do whatever they want with him.
  8. I don't think that Alexander/James have as much to do with the draft choice as it does with their contract demands. Each of them wants a long-term deal as the top paid at their position. I think that this has hindered their movement more than the 3rd round pick their teams are asking for them.
  9. Jax had plenty of time to pony up the 2nd rounder if they really wanted TH. If they wanted him that bad, they should have moved sooner.
  10. I'd like to root for this guy, but he plays too soft to play for Lindy Ruff. Maybe with the rule changes he could have a better chance of showing his skill, but I don't see Ruff giving him much ice time if he won't run into anybody even by accident. For a guy who already plays soft, you wonder how he will play after a long layoff from a concussion.
  11. I'm surprised that no one has brought up all of the shyster ads. The worst of the lot is "Hurt in a car? Call William Mattar." At least we won't see any Cellino & Barnes ads for a few months since Cellino got suspended.
  12. I'm happy for a couple of reasons: 1. TD got ripped by everyone for not trading TH before the draft. He wouldn't take a 5th or whatever he was offered then, because he wanted more value. He got more value. 2. TH was only going to be an insurance policy this year, and would have been gone next year for no compensation. 3. There didn't seem to be many buyers of veteran RB's with Alexander and James seeing no interest. 4. Bills fans know that TH is a tough runner who has some major weaknesses in blitz pickup and catching the ball. Lastly, I look at it that we used a 2nd to pick TH, got 2 very good years out of him, and got a 3rd rounder for him before he left with no compensation. I would have loved to get a 1st or 2nd for him, but it wasn't going to happen. If Tenn sucks as bad as I think that they will this year, it will be close to getting a 2nd rounder for him.
  13. You probably consider yourself a compassionate conservative because the last time you bought a new fridge you put the box out at the curb so that some homeless person could live in it.
  14. I was hoping that the Titans would step up as I'd rather keep him out of Jax. I wonder if anyone will fess up that they thought TD screwed up by not trading him at the draft.
  15. "Compassionate Conservatives" has to be the biggest oxymoron going.
  16. Wow, this guy has got to be the worst excuse for a human being ever. I used to coach my son's t-ball team and we didn't even keep score. What is wrong with people?
  17. Since Al Gore invented the internet, I think that the US should be the rightful owners of it.
  18. Wow, some of these teams are really screwed. At least some of the high revenue teams can use some of their revenue to buy out players, but their will be tons of dead money to teams. Some name players are going to have to learn to live with $1 million a year or so if they still want a job. There just won't be that much money to go around. Additionally, each player will have 15% of their pay put into escrow until total revenues are know at year end. Maybe after each game, they will give the players a few minutes to rush outside and panhandle the fans as they leave.
  19. Show her the picture of the stripper that the lady hired for her 16 year old. Tell her that that is the stripper that you hired. Seriously, you have to let her know about these things now before she becomes Mrs. The Real. If she can't handle it, move on. The same thing goes with your Playboy subscription and your porn stash. You don't want a wife who will deprive you of these essentials. As far as the stag goes, tell her that it will only make you more horny for her, and to be ready for some hot lovin when you get home.
  20. Isn't it a crime to divulge grand jury testimony? The Associated Press may be forced to disclose who leaked it or go to jail. Boy, this thing may go on forever.
  21. Wow, this report is sure to give Rich in Ohio gas again.
  22. Did you see what else www.worldnetdaily.com had articles about today? Here's one from the same page: Bigfoot spotted in Yukon Maybe tomorrow they can tell us the truth about the Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy.
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