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Everything posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. I have enjoyed your take on this issue. It's a nice change form the partisan bickering, although that is fun too. As far as the court deciding things on a constitutional basis, it is always puzzling to me to see so many 5-4 decisions. The justices job is to interpret the Constitution. How can 4 out of 9 disagree so often with the majority? Obviously, politics, religion, and personal beliefs are entering the minds of the judges. This is why this appointment is so crucial as SDO has been on the majority in so many 5-4 decisions. What would be the impact of most of these 5-4 decisions going the other way?
  2. If you have a prepayment penalty, I would definitely refi with "citi" unless their rates were a lot higher than others. I would assume that their mortgage rates would be within .25% of everyone else. Prepayment penalties are legal and usually if you take one for 3 years, they will shave .25% off of your rate. Sometimes, they don't make it too clear that the rate you are offered has a prepayment penalty but it is always clearly written in your mortgage contract.
  3. That's why I see a problem with the so called "Faith-Based Initiatives". This is nothing more than an attempt to funnel tax money to religious groups in order to influence votes. A prime tool used by the Republican party to 'buy" the black vote in the last election.
  4. Isn't that what current abortion laws have done, made a subjective determination? Some may say that a fetus is not viable until about 26 weeks or so. Very few babies born before 26 weeks end up living. Female fetuses seem to be viable earlier than males. Right to lifers want to say no to all abortions. Radical pro-choicers think that they should be able to make the decision until the child is born. I think the majority believe as you do, that if an abortion is to be done, it should be done as early as possible. If you can't make up your mind early enough, you need to have the baby unless having it would jeopardize the life of the mother.
  5. Why start at conception? I believe that life begins at the first neurological impulse that leads to an erection. Anyone who stops the impulse from leading to the birth of a child is guilty of murder. Therefore the following acts should be considered murder: 1. Using any form of birth control, spermacides, coitus interruptus. 2. Jerking off 3. Girls that make you horny but won't have intercourse with you 4. Handjobs 5. BJ's - unless they swallow 6. Not letting a guy finish 7. Women who wear provacative clothing. 8. Hot avatars
  6. What this guy says makes a lot of sense as far as using "other people's money" to accumulate wealth. This makes a good argument for interest-only mortgages as long as home values continue to rise. The danger that I see in interest-only mortgages is that a lot of the people doing it are causing home prices to keep going up as people are willing to take larger and larger mortgages in order to buy a house. The big problem occurs if the housing market turms south and people have to sell and have negative equity in their homes.
  7. I've been amazed at the number of people doing interest-only mortgages. There's probably a case for them with a few people, but so many are doing it to leverage the hell out of their real estate. I mostly worry about the inevitable bubble bursting. We already went through the savings and loan debacle that cost taxpayers billions. What is going to happen if long term rates rise quickly and housing prices start to go south?
  8. I agree with you as I am an RC also. I guess I live a sheltered life because I wasn't previously aware that some Christian religions are so anti-Catholic. I wish that I knew who they were so that I could hate them back.
  9. Personally, I always worried that the end result of giving the people of Iraq self-determination could result in an Islamic regime not much different than Iran. If this were to happen, what a waste the war will be in terms of lives sacrificed and dollars pissed away. But to force our will upon the people of Iraq could make things even worse.
  10. What kind of journalist would think that anyone cares about this idiot's opinion of anything? His son was a mass murderer and we're supposed to care what he thinks about anything? !@#$ him and any journalist who would write about this.
  11. I'm not trying to be a smart ass, just someone trying to understand where you are coming from. Hate seems like such a strong word coming from someone who says that he is a Christian. What do you hate about what the Catholic church teaches? I didn't know that there was much in their teaching that would foster hatred among other Christians.
  12. The "abortion is Murder" crowd is still a vocal Minority. Does anyone know where to find poll numbers on what views Americans have about Abortion? I personally feel that abortion is a horrific form of birth control. But when the only birth control method pushed by the government is abstinence, there is sure to be a problem.
  13. I think that if someone is stupid enough to make a sex tape and give away a copy, they shouldn't be surprised if someone else sees it.
  14. I think that the Dems should probably consider that he is about as good as they are going to get and go ahead and confirm him. Hopefully, the Music City Miracle case will be argued in the next session and he can rule that it was indeed a forward lateral.
  15. A lot of these religions think that unless you are "born again", you can't go to heaven. It must keep the crowds down in heaven.
  16. I doubt that neither Joe Bruno or Sheldon Silver has any worries about re-election in their districts. They make sure that every bill contains some goodies for their constituents. Who wouldn't want their state senator or legislator to control all spending in Albany? If they had to be elected state-wide, they would be gone long before now. Pataki, on the other hand, is a goner if he decides to run again.
  17. So what's your solution? Live with it the way it is? Or have no Medicaid whatsoever? The program was designed to be a way to cover the indigent and uninsured. Unfortunately, politicians, lobbyists, health care workers unions and others have built it into a system that covers every possible health issue including free transportation to the doctor so that he can rip off the taxpayers. By the way, the two main culprits, Gov. Pataki and State Senate leader Joe Bruno are Republicans.
  18. From what I hear it is Silver and Bruno who control the state legislature and each is affiliated with health care groups. They keep adding benefits to Medicaid until the "safety net" is better than any company sponsored health plan. It is ridiculous and everyone screams about it but nothing seems to happen. IMHO, they no longer need Medicaid reform, they need to totally scrap it and start over from scratch.
  19. Last time I went to the doc, he was bitching about a guy who drove up from Tenn and came to his office in Buffalo because of Medicaid cutbacks in Tenn. The guy ended up needing surgery on his kidneys or something to the tune of about $35,000. Medicaid paid for it. There is no residency requirement or waiting period for Medicaid in NYS!
  20. I'm Roman Catholic and I've seen quite a change over the years, but I've never seem them waver on the sacraments. If you're not Catholic, you are not allowed.
  21. Wow, so Rove set this up just to get the Democrats to jump in and start screaming? What a genius! Hey, maybe if they convict him, he could jump up and say that he was just kidding just like on Punk'd or something. A good sense of humor might be helpful in prison.
  22. President Bush just vowed to fire anyone convicted of a crime in the leaking. Although this is a no brainer since if someone is convicted, his job will be the least of his worries. Hopefully, this will put this incident back in the hands of the prosecutor where it belongs and we can move on to other topics. I'm sure that we can all agree at least that we have beaten this topic to death.
  23. Not according to this cnn article: Cheney Aide confirmed CIA agent identity The gist of this article is that "I heard that too" became his second source and confirmation of the person's identity.
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