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Everything posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. Actually, Frist's flip-flop is actually somewhat refreshing. As a surgeon, I would think that he would understand the value of stem cell research better than other politicians. I just hope that his change is a result of conscience rather than political aims. It's doubtful, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now.
  2. Wow, this is a first...I actually agree with Wacka on something. Why the hell do we give an open forum to terrorists and murderers? Why does a network consider this "newsworthy"? The same thing with Atta's father wanting to state his views. Sorry, but your kid was a terrorist scumbag and we don't give a flying !@#$ about what you think about anything.
  3. I have been fortunate in that my 2 teenagers are great students and keep out of trouble (so far). There are some punishments that can be meted out before having a male relative kick his ass. Does he have a computer, ipod, tv in his room? Take them away for a few weeks. There must be something that he doesn't like to live without. Have you grounded him? Does it work? Give him an earlier curfew if that will work. Do you give him an allowance? Cut it off if he doesn't listen to you. Get him a part time job doing some hard work. You mentioned a case manager. Have you talked to him or her about any ideas to discipline the kid. Good luck.
  4. It probably will end up as a class action lawsuit. The lawyers will get $20 million, granny will get $10,000 and everyone else will get a coupon for $2 off the next version of the game. Gotta love our legal system.
  5. Thanks for the link. It shows how screwed up people are in comparing sex vs. violence. It's ok for a kid to play the game and walk down the street randomly beating people to death with a baseball bat, but show a breast and people will sue for indecency. Last night on "Over There" an Iraqi gets blown away from the waist up and his legs are shown walking a few extra steps. But if you show a woman's breast on tv, the networks better get ready to be sued. I would have had more respect for Granny if she had sued over the violence in the GTA game than for suing over cartoon characters having sex with their clothes on.
  6. Sorry Granny, you bought a game that was rated "M" for age 17+ and gave it to your 14 yr old grandson. Granny should be arrested for contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
  7. When Jane went to N Vietnam during the war she was definitely a traitor to our country. However, if all she is doing is riding around the USA protesting the war in Iraq, I would consider it free speech. What makes this different than anyone else speaking out against the war in Iraq? You might not agree with what she has to say, but she has the right to say it.
  8. "The Dewey decimal system. What a scam that was!" - One of my all-time favorite lines on Seinfeld.
  9. I believe in free speech, but you would think that his group would have gotten their asses kicked in NYC for doing this.
  10. After this year, Ricky may be off to the CFL to play for the B.C. Buds. Or Rough Riders or whatever?
  11. I don't see what unionizing Wal-Mart has to do with the crisis that the big 3 are having with the UAW. They are totally different unions doing totally different types of work. The crisis of the big 3 is not much different than the crisis affecting Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, and state budget crisis. The big 3 as well as these large social programs are all in crisis due to people living longer, medical advances, expensive medical technology, etc. In the case of the big 3, the UAW and the companies are both at fault. The UAW for trying to always improve benefits in each new contract and the companies for not foreseeing the crisis that this was going to cause and not drawing a line in the sand and fighting to stop it.
  12. With roster spots at a premium, I think that the Bills will place him on IR for this year. It would be kind of hard to keep a rookie tight end who misses all of training camp and MIGHT be ready by October on the active roster.
  13. I can't imagine that the Dems won't be able to come up with someone better than JK to run in 2008. They definitely need someone from a red state that can at least win his own state and a few more to go with the northeast and California. Gore couldn't even win his own state of Tenn in 2000, and Edwards delivered nothing as VP in 2004. Hilary is unelectable. It was really a drag living in NY for the 2004 election as the state was solidly democratic and neither candidate even bothered much as Kerry took NY for granted and Bush knew he had no chance. Bush even found a way to reward the red states by pushing through the sales tax deduction which meant nothing to NY but was a nice gift for TX, FL, TN and other states with low/no state income tax. It's funny how some of the biggest states can be taken for granted and everything rides on the few battleground states. Almost makes me wish that the electoral college would get scrapped. It would at least make candidates have to campaign in NY. Oh well, not really about Roberts, but I had to get that off my chest.
  14. The pc version could always be updated with patches. Roster changes have always been available for download during the season.
  15. I heard that MSG was going to do the Sabres games, but they will probably be blacked out outside of WNY. Teams only have the right to broadcast in something like a 75 mile radius. When they were on Empire, the games were blacked out if you lived outside of the Sabres territory. I live in Hamburg, and currently our "regional" sports network on Dishnetwork is Fox Pittsburg. Does anyone know if Dishnetwork will be changing the regional sports channel in WNY to MSG?
  16. So the Pens get the 1st pick and the Sabres pick.........13th! WTF?!
  17. This is one of those times that coming in second will really suck. There is one player and the rest are prospects. I'm going to say the Sabres will get him because I'm an unabashed homer.
  18. Saying that the library has encroached on Blockbuster is like saying that the library has also encroached on Waldenbooks. Libraries have always had videos, records and books on tape. The bigger problem in Erie county is that we have 52 libraries. At least 20 are small and outdated but they still serve their communities. It's inevitable that the number of branches will have to shrink and there will be people who won't be able to frequent the library that frequently. I go to my local library with my kids at least once a week to borrow books, dvd's, and cd's. For many people, the library is the only place that they have to use a computer or access the internet. Our branch (Hamburg) has about 8 computers that seem to be in use every time that I go there. As far as dvd's, each branch might have 1 copy of most of the popular new releases that come out. I have a larger personal dvd collection than the Hamburg library, so I don't think that dvd's are bankrupting them. One big area of savings would be to have volunteers do most of the work in the branches. This is how it was in Sarasota, FL where I used to live. The Erie County libraries are staffed with paid workers who have union contracts with medical and pension benefits. The library needs some paid employees, but I'm sure that a lot of the work could be done by volunteer labor.
  19. Rather than blame this on Democrats and Unionized people, why don't you just put the blame where it belongs: Irish. Most of the people were also white, so let's make it into a racist thing. Most were also men, so let's make it a gender thing. Most were also beer drinkers, so let's put the blame on beer drinkers. You're right that this was a scandal, but you're wrong when you attribute it to people other than the Irish.
  20. I've lived in 5 different states and none did a better job of dealing with child abuse than Oklahoma. It seemed that one day you were reading about someone committing a crime and within 6 months he would be tried, convicted and locked up for 200 years. I have also lived in FL and NY where it seems that sexual predators are constantly being released into the community. Most of these people can't be rehabbed, so we need longer sentences to keep them from doing it again. Doing it once is too much, let alone 2 or 3 offenses.
  21. You seem to want the states to decide, but you say that they need to prove that a baby has constitutional rights. Shouldn't proving "constitutional rights" be a federal issue? I don't like the idea of 50 different opinions on the issue.
  22. Shave my ass and walk backwards! Sorry, I know this is a serious discussion but you left yourself wide open.
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