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Everything posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. I have Dishnetwork in the Buffalo area and we don't currently get MSG which is going to broadcast the Sabres this year. They are supposedly working on it, but as of now we get Fox Sports Pittsburg. Also we don't get NFL network, which also sucks. I would hate for dish and Cable tv to get like satellite radio where XM and Sirius have exclusive rights to different sports. It would certainly suck if you had to have both a Dish AND cable to get everything.
  2. Hey, maybe we could put a diving platform on the Skyway.
  3. I totally agree! The casino will bring jobs and some tax money to the city. There is actually still a pilot light burning in the city and some things are building slowly. How many remember when Chippewa St was only for hookers? Well, now it is wall to wall bars and clubs. People are actually building apartments and condos in the downtown area. I would not want to live in one, but JP does and so do a few more people each month. Congressman Brian Higgins is finally getting some slight movement on the waterfront and Peace Bridge. There is even recent talk of tearing down the Skyway. Is Bufffalo a vibrant city? Hell no! But there are some signs of life and things are slowly picking up in spite of the politicians. Anything that results in jobs and building activity is progress.
  4. That's the same way that I saw it. Wire was not on a blitz, he was downfield enough to miss the tackle.
  5. I don't think that Geisinger and Tucker played well at all last night. I was impressed by what I saw of Preston. He played both C and OG and did a good job.
  6. I think that Leonhard showed a lot more in one game than I have seen from "ST Ace" Wire in 3 years. Some other points: 1. Reshaud Lee looks like a long shot to make the team. Shaud Williams and Lionel "Train" Gates both looked good. 2. Edwards looked good but so did Tim Anderson. He dropped a back for a loss and also batted down a pass. He was playing against scrubs but at least he was dominant on a few plays. 3. Peters did a good job and buried his man on one pass play. But, it still makes me worry about the depth at OT should Gandy or Big Mike get hurt. 4. Sape...what more can you say. Who had Sape in the pool for the first Bill to score a TD this year? 5. JP didn't have a great game but it was good to see his mobility on the sprint out and roll out plays. It didn't help that he had a lot of 2nd and 20's to deal with after penalties. 6. Eric King and Jabari Greer will both make the team at CB. Greer made a great INT and King did well in coverage and run support. 7. Backup linebackers - Stamer and Haggins could both start for a lot of teams in this league.
  7. Our D looks scary even with the second string in there. Gandy looked pretty good although the Colts didn't have anyone good to line up against him. Peters totally buried his man on one pass play.
  8. I was waiting for Marv Levy to call them "Over-Officious Jerks"
  9. Wire was terrible and Leonhard looked like a player tonight. Also, Wire is a good ST player but comparing him to Tasker is a very big stretch. The Bills have a ton of good ST players, I don't think that they would miss Wire all that much.
  10. I was just reading the article in the News about them having 20 players in street clothes for the game. They are going to be in trouble when they have to make all of their cuts with so many injuries. Either they will have to put them on IR or waste a roster spot with an injured player.
  11. I hadn't been to Duff's in a long time and went recently. The wings had so much sauce on them it was like a bowl of chicken wing soup. I would rather get them from LaNova, Bocce, Nino's or other pizza places.
  12. Well, I was just looking at our schedule and I can't see us losing to any of these teams this year. Can't wait to see the old fart Dolphins crying in their champaign when we go undefeated.
  13. If I were you I would call one of the TV shysters and sue for Fuccillo exposure. Call Cellino & Barnes, er...the Barnes firm, or Jeffrey "hurt in a car" Mattar or any of the others. If you need their phone numbers, just watch about 10 more minutes of tv. You should see about 6 of those commercials in that time.
  14. I think that it means that he didn't fuk his way to the top. He became mayor the old fashioned way by cheating, stealing, and lying, just like his mom.
  15. I remember watching all of his fights in the mid 80's on HBO. It seemed like he was fighting about once a month or so. Tyson was like a pit bull in the ring. He would just attack until the opponent was on his ass. If you only saw him fight in the last 10 years, you probably wondered what all the fuss was about. But the man used to be a killa!
  16. They got caught advancing money to clients. Cellino got suspended for 6 months and Barnes just got yelled at. Since Cellino was suspended they had to pull any ads with him and also drop him from the firm name and letterhead etc. Now all the billboards just show Barnes looking lonely and its called "The Barnes Firm" I think that they should have had to collect up all of our phone books and give us new ones without Cellino plastered all over them. They came close to getting disbarred which would have put them out of commision for good. But they must have come up with enough money to the right people.
  17. First Hootie and now Huey Lewis. Dude, you've been rocking out!
  18. "But, hey, he's our aberration, and I love it." - Bobby April
  19. I'm a Sabres fan and I look at Zhitnik as a bigger loss than Satan. Zhitnik logs a ton of ice and seems to skate better as the game wears on. IMHO, one of the best skaters in the league. The Sabres could afford the loss of Satan since they have a glut of forwards. Satan is a good player but can be streaky. The rationale behind not signing him was to have more money to go after defense. Now they lose Zhitnik and the best D men are already snapped up.
  20. What you're saying is that all terrorists, murderers, and others should be given free time on national tv to air their grievances and inform us all of their demented view of the world. I'm totally against censorship, but giving killers a free forum is not what I consider free speech.
  21. How about: "I invented the internet." "I did not have sex with that woman." "We went to war over WMD." "I will fire anyone involved in the release of Valerie Plame's name...Umm unless it was Karl Rove."
  22. No, the only way that I would be in favor of is to smash them with 2 bricks or something equally painful.
  23. Well, I would rather live next door to a castrated child molester than a child molester with a GPS on him. Think about it numb nuts.
  24. I'm not so sure that sexual predators are going to be deterred by stronger punishment. They are sick SOB's that cannot be rehabbed. Castration may be cruel and unusual punishment. But, if you give someone the choice of life without parole or castration, a lot of them may take the castration which would save society the cost of confining them forever.
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