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Everything posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. You sound just like Tom Cruise ranting about Psychology. By the way, the hurricane hit on Monday morning and today is Friday. That's 96 hours without a bottle of water, food, electricity, or a working toilet. If all of these newspeople could somehow get there, you would think that the supplies could follow the same path. They also knew that the NO area would be hit last Saturday. That makes 6 days for logistics. Michael Brown of FEMA said today that they weren't aware of the people at the convention center until Thursday. Maybe they should watch CNN like the rest of us and see where the problems are. I also read today that there are 300 Arkansas National Guard troops arriving today "direct from Iraq". Maybe if they had been in Arkansas in the first place they could have gotten there a few days earlier.
  2. That link was good for a laugh. But, if God was out to get the "Homos", why didn't he wait a few days until the "Homos" were actually there. I guess it's another strike against "Intelligent Design."
  3. There are distribution centers all over the country that supply grocery stores, Wal-marts etc. I know because I used to work for one. I remember sending truckloads of water and ice to the Gulf coast from our Alabama warehouse immediately after several hurricanes. The breakdown of I-10 to the east of NO restricts them to deliveries from the west. But there are Major wholesale grocery distribution facilities in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Kansas that could have truckloads there in less than a day. They might have to curtail water shipments to their own stores to divert to NO but I'm sure that Wal-Mart stores in TX could just explain to their customers that bottled water is unavailable as it is being diverted to the damaged areas.
  4. We can play the blame game later. Right now, they need to figure out a way to get food and water to these people. If they can get empty busses to the Superdome to load people, why can't they get truckloads of water to the same place? As for the people who did not evacuate, I'm sure that a lot of them were too poor or frail to go anywhere. The Superdome was billed as the main shelter, so I don't think that we can blame people for going there before the storm. As frustrating as it is to watch on tv, it must be a million times more frustrating to be there and have no communications telling you when to expect food, water, or a ride out.
  5. I thought that the official NRC talking points said to label any dissenter as a kook or a loony. You might want to verify it with the other right wing nut jobs on the board.
  6. The problem is that you will always find a few scientists with a dissenting view. Those will be the "experts" that this administration drags out to support doing nothing. On a related note, I was just reading yesterday how there is now evidence that the ozone layer has stopped shrinking which they attribute to the ban on CFC's in the 90's. The same could happen with greenhouse gasses if certain countries would get involved in setting aggressive standards.
  7. Since when do we let hard data get involved in science. Hurricanes must be part of the Intelligent Design to rid the Gulf Coast of Casinos and all of the fornicators in NO.
  8. If they institute a compulsory year of service, they would have to have a branch such as the National Guard that always stays home. That way, the rich can be sure that their kids never have to get in harm's way. Like Bush during the Vietnam War.
  9. I agree. It is a joke that the taxpayers have to subsidize insurance for people who live in damage prone areas. If someone can afford to build a house on a barrier island, they should have to pay for the insurance costs themselves. If you let the marketplace set the cost to insure a house in a damage prone area, maybe fewer people would decide to build there.
  10. This guy has equal parts stupidity and bad luck.
  11. Hey Jerry Jones: Tough schitt! Maybe you can get the facelift expense in the shared revenue calculation.
  12. I was in a dealership lately that had a sign up saying that due to the high cost of petroleum products they were adding a $3 surcharge to the price of their oil changes. Seems like price gouging to me.
  13. That Bears defense is tough. They had only given up an average of 50 yds a game on the ground thru 3 games. That also includes mop up time with their camp fodder. I thought that the Bills did ok considering the defense that they were up against. Thoughts on JP - at least he hasn't turned the ball over. That is going to help us win games that DB blew. I would have liked to see JP throw a few long balls. Really haven't seen any vertical passing yet. McGahee - He had a tough night against a great defense. It's not like he had a lot of room to run. I was concerned that he wasn't pulled earlier, but I guess MM wanted to make him work. Gates - I'm not sure that this guy is ready for primetime. He looked good in the other games but in extended action last night he did not look good. Was surprised that Shaud Williams played so little again. Backup linebackers - Stamer and Haggins continued to impress, Crowell did not. Crowell put a good lick on Peterson but couldn't bring him down. Wire - made a few ST tackles early but looked bad later in the game.
  14. I don't think that I would criticize Golisano yet. I'm sure that he is taking advice from Quinn & Regier about the best way to approach free agency. Quinn & Regier are going to look like geniuses or total idiots in a few months when teams are up against the salary cap. Today's News mentioned the possible availability of Wade Redden. I would rather spend my money on Wade Redden or another good young defenseman than throw money at Brian Leetch. I just worry at what Regier may use as trade bait. Biron would be expendable, but I would hate to trade a young forward unless someone wants Connelly.
  15. Looks like a blossoming romance.
  16. Robertson and the Religious right have a lot more political power than Michael Moore does. I also don't think that Michael Moore has ever advocated assassination as a solution to any problem. In my view, that makes Robertson a hell of a lot more dangerous than MM. A better comparison might be Rush and MM since both are partisan mouthpieces. Although being a hypocritical drug addict probably gives Rush the edge.
  17. Including George W. Bush who is also waiting for the rapture.
  18. The Packers should be thanking us for waking them up to the realization that when you strap on your helmet you had better be ready to play. What are they going to do in the regular season, put a red shirt on Favre? This is a blitz happy league right now and you had better prepare for it.
  19. It sucks, but I would leave no feedback. If you give a negative, be prepared to get negative feedback from the seller. At least you got your money back without any hassle. That's the thing that I hate about Ebay's feedback system. Even if a guy rips you off, he can leave you a negative with impunity. I had a customer who didn't pay nor respond to many emails and I finally left him a negative. All I ended up with was a negative back from the idiot. Ebay will do nothing to correct it. Just be glad that you got your money back.
  20. The only way this could be better is if we had wrestled a draft pick out of the cowboys for Drew.
  21. Partially right. You can pick up Canadian channels over the air, but the Sabres games are not broadcasted over the air. Empire was only available on cable or dish, the same with MSG. The Sabres would love to broadcast into Canada but no local station will give up their primetime lineup for 80 games a season.
  22. Directv was my first choice but the installer came out and took one look and said that he couldn't get through my trees. The Dish installer at least walked my property and found a place in the back on a pole where he could get a signal.
  23. Now that they sold out the preseason game, the Bills will probably announce that Willis' condition is terminal.
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