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Everything posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. You're the !@#$ing moron. Did you not say: "Your mom is always your mom. She thinks she's "helping" even when she's really not helping. Dads know how to let go; moms don't, at least in my experience." No where, except in your imagination, did you say that this only applies to 80 yr old women. I think that you're getting delusional. Or did you mean to say that we should cut slack only for any mother that agrees with you. You and your parrot buddies are all the same. You only want people on this board to express thoughts similar to your own. If not, throw in a bunch of swear words or personal attacks. That's very constructive.
  2. The intersection of South Park and Rt 20 (Southwestern) is down to one lane in each direction due to construction. Avoid this intersection at all costs! If you do take South Park, make a left on Big Tree and take it to Rt 20 or stay on it to Abbott.
  3. Don't do it! Southwestern is under construction between Camp and South Park. I would avoid Southwestern (Rt 20) and South Park at all costs. The delays are bad even with regular traffic.
  4. Ok, but this also sounds like Cindy Sheehan who you think is criminally insane. She thinks that she's helping and doesn't know how to let go. But we'll cut Babs some slack since her son is alive and not dead. You right wing nuts are all alike. RNC talking point #4 - If a Republican says something stupid, say that he or she meant well and is a caring person. If a Dem says something stupid, that person is clearly insane.
  5. Barbara Bush can't understand why these people just didn't pack up their Range Rovers and head to their vacation homes when they found out that the hurricane was coming.
  6. Obviously not as stupid as you, although that might not be saying much. Cindy Sheehan is just some lady who lost her son in what she felt is an unjust war and blames the president. I didn't know that this qualifies as insanity but I guess that if it takes one to know one, you would definitely be a better judge of insanity than I am. As for her views on Katrina or anything else, I couldn't care less. I just find it hilarious that the Bushites find this poor lady so scary that they have to label her as insane or crazy or whatever. Like she is some threat to everything that you hold dear. If you want to talk about insane, let's talk about Pat Robertson. This guy actually has millions of followers that send him money to support his "ministry". This guy is a lot more dangerous than some housewife. Which brings us to RNC talking point #3: Never talk bad about a fellow Republican no matter how despicable they act. Make up an excuse or cover your ears and recite the mantra mentioned in talking point #2.
  7. Right on cue! RNC talking points #1 - Anyone who says anything bad about Bush is obviously insane. Label that person a looney, brainless or crazy person. #2 - If all else fails, put your hands over your ears and scream the mantra: "Flightsuit, Halliburton, Bush bad." They might think that you are retarded, but at least you won't have to listen to what they have to say.
  8. I agree with you. We need someone who can take command of the situation and get things done. At the same time, the command structure should be ready to deal with the aftermath of storms, floods, and terrorist acts. There needs to be plans in place for all areas of the country as far as assets and troops that can be commandeered to handle large-scale emergencies. This would include trauma hospitals, shelters, food and water, search and rescue, etc. Hopefully, we will learn from this and get the right people to head up FEMA and develop better plans before the next disaster.
  9. I want to party with you cowboy.
  10. Maybe Nagin was a incompetent mayor, I have no idea. At least he had the foresight to scream and hollar on CNN to try to get people's attention as soon as things went to hell. His job after the storm was to try to get help for the citizens of NO from the state and the federal government. People were dying and he was watching people stand around or sit in meetings discussing what to do. Rather than kiss ass he decided to say things that most of us were thinking...where the hell is the cavalry and when are they going to get here?
  11. If Bush wanted to give his buddies jobs, he should have made them Ambassadors to some pissant countries instead of running FEMA. Brown probably was more qualified to run the stables at the Crawford Ranch than to head FEMA. I wonder who the lawyer was who handled his real estate closing on the ranch. He's probably on the short list for the Supreme Court.
  12. Everyone has their own taste in music. Even Boxcar Willie and Panfir the Pan Flute guy have both sold lots of records. A review in the New York Times is still just one person's opinion. I recently listened to Coldplay's X&Y cd. I thought that some songs were really good, some were mediocre, and some were lame. Sort of like most cd's that I've heard recently from other bands.
  13. I love the way the Bush apologists all line up to blame it on the locals. Why do we have a FEMA if local governments are supposed to handle all disasters? Did Nagin screw up? Absolutely! Did Blanco screw up? Absolutely! But we expect the federal government to have the most assets at its disposal and to be the "John Wayne dude" who hops off of the chopper and gets everyone's ass in gear. It is clear that Michael Brown was not the "John Wayne dude". For him not to be aware of the situation at the Convention Center until Thursday is ludicrous. You would think that the "command center" would at least have a tv to see the problems that news reporters were able to find and have no problem getting to. We already knew that Bush was not the "John Wayne dude", but for him not to end his vacation until Wednesday shows how out of touch he is. On 9/11, it only took him 7 minutes to extricate himself from reading nursery rhymes at the elementary school. This time it took 2 days to get him back to work. Oh wait, he was hard at work drumming up support for the war in Iraq at some California military base when the sh-- was hitting the fan. Wouldn't want the choir to miss out on that sermon.
  14. Bush should read this before he presents the Medal of Honor to the FEMA bureacrats. Times-Picayune of New Orleans editorial
  15. That's some funny chitt!
  16. They probably got it cheaper because of the Cardinals' logos on it. If it was a good team's logo it would have cost a lot more.
  17. Well, it's supposed to factor into insurance premiums. I lived in Sarasota FL for 5 years and while insurance rates were climbing in the area due to recent storms, people on Siesta Key, Longboat Key and other barrier islands were not seeing the same increases although they were much more susceptible to damage from storms. There is some program in place which allows insurance to be available to them at affordable rates. Of course these are the most expensive areas that also are the most vulnerable in a storm, but their insurance is subsidized. It's an extra kick in the ass, that there is no public beach access on Longboat Key even though taxpayers subsidize the property insurance and also pay for beach renourishment. I'm sure that it is similar on the East Coast of FL also.
  18. You're right! MS is moving up. They just past TX in literacy rates and are now 49th. Sorry, I couldn't resist. But you are right. These areas deserve all of the efforts of our country to rebuild. MS must feel like a red headed step child right now. They took the brunt of the storm and have been devastated yet NO has gotten most of the attention due to the floods. Biloxi and other places on the Gulf Coast are beautiful places and I hope that the rebuilding effort goes fast and smooth. Good luck to you!
  19. I think that you are being overworked at your new job. Your post does not make much sense since there is a salary cap that all teams must adhere to. Very few team end up signing their own free agents as most like to hit the free market and get someone to overpay for their services. The Pats have about the least loyalty of any team towards their own players and look what they have accomplished over the last few years.
  20. I never thought I would say this but Bill O'Reilly was being very calm and rational last night against a sea of sensationalism. He talked to both Geraldo and Shep who both seemed a little out of control. He toned down their hysterics to the essential facts of where help was needed and put out the word to the officials listening as to where help was urgently needed. It sure was much better than listening to those 2 media whores trying to one up each other with sensationalist fervor. I also loved Geraldo stating that here were no police inside but he could enter because he was not a government official and would be safe entering the chaos. Would have loved to see him get a beatdown in there.
  21. Does driving a POS like a Cavalier mean that you have a big penis? You can use it instead of your thumb to hitchhike when your car breaks down.
  22. You can only used domed stadiums, so Dallas won't be used. I agree that closed military bases would be good places to house them initially. I wonder how many will eventually go back to NO or will just resettle in other areas. This will be the next stage of the nightmare. How do you educate the children, find jobs for the adults, etc?
  23. Well, even Bush is saying that the "results are not acceptable", which is the closest he has come to an apology since he wet his bed when he was 5 years old. And I agree that CTM is absolutely right and you are even farther Right than he is.
  24. Wrong! I'm sure that this was on every wish list sent to Washington for the past 40 years. Everyone knew that the levees could only withstand a Cat 3. I didn't know that the mayor has authority over the Corps of Engineers. The mayor: 1. Issued orders to evacuate the city. 2. Opened up the largest, safest facility at his disposal for those who could not leave. 3. His police force of 1500 or so was woefully inadequate to handle a situation of this magnitude and I'm sure that most of them had their own worries to think about. Sorry, but disaster relief is the primary responsibility of the state and federal governments who have control of Fema, National Guard, Federal transportation, etc. Where the locals screwed up was in not securing firearm outlets throughout the city before looters could get to them. Although this was probably not seen as a problem by the gun nuts on the board. Nothing like a well armed populace.
  25. No I wasn't saying that no one had supplies. I was saying that lots of people had not had any water or food in 96 hours. I was responding to Wacka who thought that 48 hours of waiting was acceptable due to logistics. First, it was a lot more than 48 hours and second, I didn't think that it was acceptable for thousands at the convention center to still be without any help as of Thursday. I think a lot of people here, myself included, are trying to vent our frustration at watching these Americans in such distress for days.
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