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Everything posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. I agree that Bennett screwed up again and deserved to be skewered by the Media. However, I don't understand the Democratic outrage. They can be outraged at Bennett but he is not a spokesman for the White House or the Republican Party. Why do they have to politicize it?
  2. First of all, you have to blame Mother Nature. That B word really cooked up a wicked storm. Mistakes were made by all involved. Let's hope they all learn something from it.
  3. Well then any company in NY that doesn't offer free transportation for doctor visits does not meet the government standard. This would include every company in the state. Medicaid also provides free eyecare, dental, prescriptions, etc with no deductible. Don't you think that private companies could provide coverage at lower cost by cutting out some of the "frills" that Medicaid patients currently have?
  4. Do you even have a clue what you are talking about? I stated that I provide health insurance to my employees unlike a lot of other companies. I also stated that my insurance did not cover cab rides to the podiatrist unlike Medicaid in NYS. This somehow makes me soak the taxpayers?? I think that you need to work a little on your reading comprehension.
  5. Wait a minute...you don't think that it's important to have any experience other than "management" experience to head FEMA? So anyone with "some management experience" was qualified to be Deputy Director and then Director of FEMA?
  6. No, my insurance doesn't provide free cab rides to the podiatrist like Medicaid in NYS allows. Maybe if more employers were like me, Medicaid wouldn't be taking up every property tax dollar in Erie County to pay for the uninsured. Also, it's a good thing that you only got 12 votes in the last Presidential election. We don't have to worry about your policies going into effect.
  7. Well, you guess wrong. I currently own several small to medium businesses. I have always felt that it is important to provide access to medical insurance for all of my employees for several reasons: 1. Retain good employees 2. It's the socially responsible thing to do. Do I like it that my competitors do not do the same and therefore have a competitive advantage? No. As a private employer, I am constantly looking for ways to cut health costs. The insurance that I offer employees is much more modest than what Medicaid provides in NYS. And at lower cost. Where government could help is by providing a low cost plan that small business owners could buy and pool their risk. If one of my employees gets cancer, my rates go up significantly. If I was part of a large pool, I would not be affected as much.
  8. If the government wants to get involved it should encourage higher mpg through tax breaks and investment into research for alternative fuels. They can also raise fuel taxes to lower consumption and spur people to look at hybrids. Toyota has invested tons into hybrids and is bringing more and more hybrid models to market. US automakers have been much slower and will see their market share tumble further. GM is particularly at risk. Once they stop the Employee pricing, their market share will probably dip below previous levels. GM seems to have missed the memo on rising fuel cost projections.
  9. Forcing big stores to provide health insurance puts them on an even floor with other large companies that already provide these benefits. It definitely will be passed on to the customer but in the end I feel it is worth it. I would rather pay higher prices than have to pay higher taxes to cover these people through Medicaid. At least the companies will work hard to come up with a medical plan that is cost effective rather than rely on Medicaid which has a record of over coverage, abuse, and fraud.
  10. Well, if he was the Texas EMA guy, why isn't it in his bio? They puffed up everything on his resume. He went right from the Horse Ass(ociation) to Deputy Director of FEMA. Yeah, he probably had a lot of experience in dealing with horse schitt, but I'm sure that that was rarely an emergency. How Reliable Is Brown's Resume?
  11. No, you're an idiot. Prior to coming to FEMA as Deputy Director, Brown had as much experience in emergency management as I have in Brain Surgery. Would you like me to perform your lobotomy or have you had one already? Bush should stick to hiring his friends and cronies as Ambassadors or something else out of the way and hire experienced people for the important stuff like FEMA, FDA, Immigration, etc. And if you hate this place so much, why don't you just go away?
  12. I don't blame Brown, I blame the Bush Administration for hiring this guy when he had absolutely no experience in emergency management prior to joining FEMA. Time magazine has an article this week about other Bush appointees who appear woefully underqualified for the jobs they were given.
  13. I never liked him before he was in the Senate and I don't agree with him on a lot of issues including Roberts, but I feel that he has done a good job for Buffalo. He actually has been in Buffalo quite a bit and has been involved in solving some of the Peace Bridge traffic issues, and is showing some involvement in the waterfront and in the issues related to the new contract for the Niagara Falls power authority.
  14. Wow, this is going too far even for the National Enquirer. I know they like to slander celebrities, but to print crap like this about the President is a new low.
  15. I hope that you are not an English teacher. I'm not sure how our country is going to come up with the $200 billion that has already been promised to the Gulf Coast. But my advice to you is to take the $5,000, food stamps, government cheese, and whatever else is available to you and get on with your life. The Gulf Coast has lovely beaches but anyone who decides to live there has to know that it is a hurricane prone area and every few years or so a major hurricane is going to level part of it. I am glad to help my fellow Americans as long as you don't expect me to buy you a new house on the beach every 10 years.
  16. I always liked to steal some of my boss' business cards for this reason.
  17. Boy, I never thought that I would agree with a Patsie troll, but in this case I do. The Pats O-line is not the best in the league although they play together well. Just 5 ugly guys that you've never heard of. Their OL coach has done a great job with them. The thing that sets Brady apart in my opinion is his field vision. He always seems to get the ball to the guy that's open. Unless you get pressure on him and force him to throw sooner than he wants to he will pick most defenses apart.
  18. What the US needs is a "Manhattan Project" to develop alternative energy sources to get our country to energy independence. It is no crazier than JFK setting a goal of a man on the moon. It will take a government energy policy that is not co-written by the major oil companies.
  19. Drew had a good game, but it is only going to result in heartache for Cowboy fans.
  20. My wife's wallet was stolen but I didn't call to cancel the credit cards. The other person spends a lot less than my wife.
  21. So when you said that the "Libs" were always bitching, you meant the Libertarians. It's cute that you pick out a fancy spot for yourself on the political spectrum and then classify anyone who disagrees with you as a Leftist or Liberal. BTW, the most recent poll numbers that I've seen show that Bush's approval rating is down to 40% or as I like to call it the "Jimmy Carter Line". That means that a vast majority of Americans do not approve of his performance. I didn't know that Leftists make up 60% of the country.
  22. Here's a suggestion: Maybe you should only post on a right wing message board so that you can have everyone agree with your simple minded opinions and observations. That way you won't have to dig yourself out by swearing and making personal insults.
  23. Yeah, only the Libs B word. The Right wing nuts have filled every thread with blame for the mayor, the governor, the underwater busses, the media for telling the truth, Cindy Sheehan, and anything else that they can think of. That's quite a contribution for the right.
  24. Well, that's a typical response on this board. "The Conservatives are reasonable, and everyone else is a leftist radical." At least we know that you are non-partisan.
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