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Everything posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. The Associated Press story original stated that "Top Democrat Reid met often with Abramoff", although the story never made any claims that the two men have ever met. The story was soon changed to "Top Democrat Reid aided Abramoff clients". The article states that: Unfortunately, the AP failed to state that Reid opposed the Northern Marianas legislation Before and After the lobbying. So even if Abramoff's clients gave Reid money there was no quid pro quo as Reid did not aid the clients. As far as Reid writing letters helpful to the Indian clients who were trying to stop other Indian tribes from opening casinos: Don't you think that opposing more casinos outside of Nevada might be a position that a Senator from Nevada would take whether he was paid or not? I'm sure that Reid is as corrupt as any other politician, but I think that this article was very misleading.
  2. So, the Dept of Defense writes an article stating that the Dept of Defense did a swell job in handling Katrina. And this counts as Facts and the Truth to you? Just for the record: Mike Brown thinks that Mike Brown did a swell job too. Roy Nagin thinks that he did a swell job too.
  3. Wait till the RNC spinners get to work on this. It will turn out that the guy he shot was actually an Al Qaeda terrorist cleverly disguised as Cheney's 78 year old buddy.
  4. This is a weak argument. Walmart "thinks" that they already have freedom of choice and "IS" bypassing a market segment and bypassing profit on moral grounds. Which, by the way, is illegal in the state of Mass.
  5. I think that the best way would be to have an independent video judge in the booth who reviews the plays rather than a member of the referee team. This would speed up reviews and also take a way any bias from a ref not wanting to overturn a call of his referee team. Also, the video judges can be trained specifically in reviewing video rather than as a small part of their job.
  6. Wow! Thanks for the link. This guy is awesome!
  7. What a shot by Vanek! It looked like he lost the puck before he shot it, but it was actually a fake. Awesome! Anyone rather settle for a tie instead of a shootout? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  8. So, you're saying that we should let him walk? No way. For the low franchise $, you tag him and either sign him long-term, trade him, or pay him the franchise money to play for us.
  9. Maybe the State of Mass. should yank Wal-Mart's pharmacy license if Wal-Mart doesn't want to follow the state law. Pharmacists are supposed to dispense pills according to doctors prescriptions. If a pharmacist has a moral problem with this, maybe he should have gone to divinity school instead of pharmacy school.
  10. House Republicans are taking a mulligan on the first ballot for Majority Leader. The first count showed more votes cast than Republicans present at the Conference meeting. Roll Call
  11. Mine is Vida Guerra. A classic "butterface".
  12. A Kiwi ( New Zealander ) walks into his bedroom with a sheep under his arm and says: "Darling, this is the pig I have sex with when you have a headache." His girlfriend is lying in bed and replies: "I think you'll find that's a sheep, you idiot." The man says: " I think you'll find I wasn't talking to you."
  13. Good idea. Then Niagara County could pitch in for half of the costs of stadium improvements, security, traffic control, etc.
  14. The only people more dishonest than lawyers are Presidential candidates.
  15. Yeah, but this is a Republican President, so we can trust him to only use this for good purposes.
  16. I guess my original point was that a lot of people view Conservative as humorless and full of sh--. Coulter is not the only one cracking people up. Check out these hilarious bits: Sen. Ney announced recently that he is running for re-election. ROTFL That was hilarious. Bush says that he never met Abramoff. What a side splitter. He even kept a straight face when he said it. Sen. Santorum categorically denies any ties to so-called 'K Street Project'. "I had absolutely nothing to do -- never met, never talked, never coordinated, never did anything -- with Grover Norquist and the -- quote -- K Street Project." Stop it your killing me. I need to take a break, my sides are splitting.
  17. If most of the people had been rescued in 2 days, they would have felt appreciative too and there would be no need for hearings. Unfortunately, thousands were at the convention center for 2 days before Brown even knew they were there. Also, it took Bush more than 2 days to get back to Washington from his PR campaign. BTW, even Bush now admits that mistakes were made, so you can go ahead and agree with him on this. Or maybe you're one of those Pinko Communists that doesn't agree with everything Bush says.
  18. "We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens' creme brulee," Coulter said. "That's just a joke, for you in the media." Who says that Conservatives don't have a sense of humor? CNN article
  19. Sundin connected twice with punches to the head that were not called. How can he get away with those and yet the refs call every hook and hold?
  20. Look on the bright side...If she's checking your prostate, her fingers are probably smaller than the male doc.
  21. Tonight's top story: Dr James Andrews says that surgery was successful and the security guard should be ready in time for training camp. Lucky for him that he was on IR. He was hired under the TD regime and Ralph was going to fire him, but now he has to wait until he comes off of IR.
  22. Most of the new drugs coming out of the big Pharma companies are "Me Too" drugs - Their drug to treat the same thing as someone else's drug. Look at how many statin drugs there are. Are newer ones more effective than the old ones? Not really. Then there are the changed formulas. A drug goes off patent, so they change a molecule and tada...a new drug to push on the public. Not much difference between prilosec and nexxium other than prilosec is no longer under patent. I recently saw a commercial for the new cholesterol drug which contains Zocor and something else. Once Zocor goes off patent they can push the new one on doctors and the public. Keep the money flowing in. The power of marketing.
  23. Did you see the betting board? They showed it at one time as Dani looked at it. Vic had a lot of bets, but the most bets were on "turkey baster". Even Monica Rollins had 3 bets.
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