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Everything posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. I agree. I almost hope he gets fired so that he can post his critiques here on a full time basis.
  2. Come on...are they trying to tell us that no one on the show including the band was aware that it was a rock remake of that song? How did the band play it? Did Chris write out all of the arrangements for the whole band so that they could play it? Why does it matter if he sings a rock remake of a song every week? Can't he Karaoke to a remake just like the rest Karaoke to the original? I actually thought that his version was better than Live's version of the song. Was it original? No, but neither was anyone else's song.
  3. One gripe that I have is the awarding of trophies for participating on a team. When I was in little league the only way to get a trophy was for your team to win the championship. Now every kid gets a trophy for participating. This happens in little league baseball, soccer, hockey, etc. My son (16) and daughter (13) each have a room full of trophies. My son plays on a travel hockey team (ages 15-16) and they even gave out participation trophies. Plus if they go to a tournament they get a trophy or medal for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place even if there are only 4 teams playing.
  4. Everyone wants to be the Boss, but Sylvio finds out quickly that there's more to it than just the title. I don't think that anyone of them has the smarts or political skills to take Tony's spot without everyone else undermining their authority and creating lots of problems. I think that Vito will be gone long before Paulie. Vito is shaping up as this years Richie or Ralph. A bad guy who causes lots of problems but eventually gets it in the end. And getting it in the "End" seems to be in Vito's future.
  5. I would think that Marv is holding out for something better than a 4th or he would have cut Moulds by now. One of the other things about having Moulds shop himself is that he may find out that no one is willing to pay more than he stands to collect from the Bills. I also would rather see a player traded to us for Moulds rather than a second day pick. Moulds for Walker straight up from GB, or Moulds for a OL or DL from someone else.
  6. There are terrorists and evil doers out there who want to kill Americans and take away our freedom. Wouldn't you rather have your President take away your freedom instead of some evil doer terrorist?
  7. Actually, it would have been "better giving" on her part if she made a donation That wasn't earmarked for the benefit of her son. I'm sure that the Katrina fund could have found a better use for the money than Neil's software. Food or clothing come to mind. Although Neil's software might come in handy as a drink coaster for some of the victims.
  8. The only reason that I watch the show is so that I can come here and read your take on it and LMAO!
  9. Don Banks SI.com At least Banks feels that 5 other teams are more deserving of the 5 biggest losers so far. His losers: 1. Patsies 2. Dolfelons 3. San Diego 4. Washington 5. Steelers Interesting note on Miami: Cleo Lemon is the only other QB that they currently have in addition to the rehabbing Dante Culpepper. I wouldn't mind if the Bills ended up facing Lemon next season.
  10. His full name was Kevin Finerty similar to Kev "Infinity". Another purgatory reference.
  11. I have dishnetwork and OLN is not even available on any tier. There was a recent article in the Buffalo News about Sabres fans not being able to see the playoff games if they are on OLN. Also, only 10% of Adelphia subscribers in WNY get OLN as it it only on the Gold Digital pak. My guess is that there are going to be many pissed off Sabres fans come playoff time.
  12. I thought it was a great episode. Get used to the coma because I think that Tony is going to be out of commission for a while. It looks like there is going to be a power struggle between Sylvio and the Capos. I think that Vito is going to be this seasons main antagonist. Finn is coming back to town next week. Creepy that Vito wanted to give AJ a ride home. Vito also has been working with Phil.
  13. Former CPA, now a stay-at-home Dad due to long-term illness. (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
  14. There's also Adventure Island water park accross the street from Busch Gardens. Much cheaper and lots of fun on a hot day.
  15. Marv needs to get Snyder on the phone. He might be looking to corner the market on WR's.
  16. $31 million for 7 years. The guy had one TD last year among his 35 catches. The Skins now have Randle EL and Lloyd to go along with Santana Moss and David Givens from last year. Did they have any other needs other than WR?
  17. You don't mess with Jack Bauer! Loved it when he shot the guy's wife in the leg. LMAO!
  18. The difference is that when Bush makes a speech, any hecklers are barred beforehand.
  19. Marty had 40 saves tonight and was the reason that the Sabres won. Marty will be needed down the stretch as the schedule the rest of the way is very compressed due to the Olympic break. As far as a trade, unless we can get a top 4 defenseman for Biron, I would rather keep him. We will definitely be riding Miller, but Biron is good insurance.
  20. I think the most disturbing part of the poll is: Boy are they going to be pissed when they find out that Saddam didn't have a role in 9/11. At least someone is buying the Bush Administrations BS.
  21. That's nothing. I switched to the Republican party just so that I could vote against Bush in the primary too.
  22. Rather than watch an interview w/ DC, I'm more interested in seeing Bill Maher discuss it on Friday or watch Darrell Hammond on SNL give his Cheney interview.
  23. I think that Cheney through his silence makes the administration look bad. If he had just made a statement saying that he accidently shot a fellow hunter and is hoping that the guy makes a speedy recovery, it would have stopped this story. Until he makes a statement, he risks this story going on and on. The other problem is the information that was released. The WH blamed the guy who got shot, they said that the guy was only slightly injured, even joked about it. Rather than getting the true story out there, they tried to brush it off. Now it seems that the situation is more serious with the pellet lodged in the guys heart.
  24. I'm not a hunter and I'm sure that this was an accident. But it's hard to believe that the WH would issue a statement saying that the guy that was shot was to blame. I would think that the first rule of hunting is not to shoot the other guys in your party.
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