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Everything posted by Live&DieBillsFootball

  1. Doe's anyone else find it ironic that the Republican leadership is going to crash and burn for over tolerating a gay guy? Maybe if they had pushed for Gay Marriage, Foley would have married a young page and all of their dirty talk would have been in bed.
  2. I have no idea if what he did was illegal, but as co-chairman of the Congressional Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus don't you think he should have known what constitutes inappropriate behavior? Too bad he couldn't identify it himself.
  3. Maybe we should ask Rep Foley if it was a crime since he was the one who pushed through the bill to make internet sex chats with minors illegal. How long did the GOP leadership sit on it? Sounds like they have known about Foley's interest in little boys for several years. But thanks for chiming in and letting us know Rush's spin on things.
  4. From an interview with Stephen Jones, attorney for the page, in the Daily Oklahoman: Look's like the report that says that it was the kid's fault was a lie. So far, the Repugs have blamed everyone from Bill Clinton to George Soros to the kid himself for the scandal. I think the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny will be the next to be blamed.
  5. And the award for the most stupid weasel goes to Rep. Chris Cannon, R-Utah. Cannon: Teens "egging on" Foley in online sex scandal
  6. I would just like to chime in on the smoking issue that seems to have hijacked this thread. I have a hard time understanding why any rational, educated individual would want to smoke. I think that most of them smoke because they are addicted to nicotine, not because smoking is such a pleasant thing to do. Almost every smoker that I have ever talked to tells me that they wish they could quit. If there was a magic pill to cure nicotine addiction, what percentage of people do you think would continue to smoke? 30%? At least the smoking ban and other anti-smoking efforts are reducing the number of smokers in NYS. Which I feel is good, even if it pisses off smokers. Flame away!
  7. My vote just move him up to 21%. We're getting close to Bush's approval rating and we know he is not going anywhere.
  8. I don't think that it is about the taxes. I read recently that England allows the companies to set up shop there and get a cut through taxes. The U.S. position has been to keep it out of the country and not get a cut. IMHO, the ban is a result of lobbying by the U.S. gaming industry and/or the Christian Right.
  9. I saw a perfectly executed "Inglewood Jack" in there. Pull the shirt over the head and give the Inglewood Jack. Too bad that I couldn't understand a word that they were saying. Does anyone here speak "jive"?
  10. I'm glad that I'm not the only one seeing some hypocrisy here. People have sat back while their rights & freedoms have been continuously restricted via the Patriot Act, warrantless wiretaps, no-knock warrants, suspension of habeas corpus, etc. Now that a law that restricts internet gambling has passed , some people are finally up in arms. Just wait until they try to outlaw internet porn. Maybe, we can stop the ACLU bashing long enough to ask if they can help us out on this one.
  11. McCargo also made a few nice plays today too.
  12. His helmet was off. He stomped on his head! It deserves more than just a fine, IMHO.
  13. Well, let's see: George Pataki is the current Governor of New York State, serving since January 1995, and as of late 2006 is the longest-serving of all current U.S. governors. He is a member of the Republican Party. Joel Giambra has been Erie County Executive since 2000. Another Republican. Joe Bruno - He was first elected Temporary President of the New York State Senate in January 1995 and re-elected to that position in 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003 and 2005. As the Temporary President of the Senate, Bruno is Chairman of the Rules Committee and an ex officio member of all Senate standing committees and statutory commissions. Another Republican These people have a lot more control over the level of taxes we pay than the Mayor of Buffalo. Also, the only politician in WNY who seems to be doing anything about developing the waterfront is Rep. Brian Higgins, a Democrat.
  14. My mother's next door neighbor had a big German Shepherd. Every time they took it out to sh-- they would walk him over right next to my mother's driveway, which is only 1 car wide. Whenever you would get out of the car on the passenger side you would have to watch your step so that you didn't step in a pile as they never picked it up. One day, I stepped in it. I went and got a shovel and proceeded to pick up all of the piles of dog crap and fling the shovel fulls on to their porch and roof. I still laugh my ass off whenever I think about it. The neighbors never said anything and I never had another problem with them.
  15. Man, I love this thread!
  16. How many times have you been arrested?
  17. What an idiot!
  18. I still remember the Ditka coached Bears coming to town after new astroturf was installed at Rich Stadium. Someone had a sign that read: "Hey Ditka, don't spitka on our new carpet!"
  19. Moving the team to Toronto would be hard to take, but the worst part will be when they change the team name to the Rough Riders.
  20. I think that everyone is overanalyzing this. The sole reason that Coy is on the team is because Bowen is hurt and we needed another SS until he is back and Coy was the next best SS on the team.
  21. I agree with a lot of what you said. 1. Corner - Greer is the nickel back and Youbouty is the front runner to succeed Nate next season. King is short and played short during preseason. 2. Jerman looked terrible in the preseason and I'm glad to see him gone. I thought Pennington and Butler held their own but I still expect a waiver pickup to be our #3 for this season. 3. A-Train and L-Train look like the same guy. Williams gives us a change of pace back.
  22. It's "Inglewood Jack" from Jules' hometown of Inglewood, CA
  23. Fatigue is a symptom of so many different things, it may take a while to find the answer to yours. You need to do more than just mention it to your doctor in passing. If he doesn't show enough interest, you need to see another doctor who will take your problem seriously. Two years is a long time for someone your age to be so fatigued. I have suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for the past 14 years. It took me several doctors to finally find a doctor who could diagnose it. Don't worry, if you had CFS, you would have a lot of other symptoms such as joint/muscle pain, sore throats, cognitive problems, etc along with your fatigue. In your case it could be allergies, sleep apnea, anemia, low thyroid, low cortisol, depression or a long list of other health issues. It's time to get a doctor to start ruling out most of these things and find out what is causing your symptoms. Good luck!
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