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Golden Goat

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Everything posted by Golden Goat

  1. "I didn't pay $1.8 billion in cash for the hostages I got back." DAAAAAAAAAAAMNNNN ?
  2. Or... OR... He sat on it and it broke. (I keed, I keed...)
  3. Weeping Dennis Rodman praises Trump's meeting with friend Kim Jong Un, blasts Obama for ignoring him
  4. Surreal. Seems PhotoShopped. Special thanks to Canada, The U.K., France and Germany for doing absolutely nothing to make this happen.
  5. All three viewers cheered, too!
  6. I rarely share anything on FB. First one this year. Thanks.
  7. OMFG -- Did we just win? For real?
  8. My first ignore! (BTW you sooooo lost the argument). ?
  9. I got hooked on Warhammer Online (ORVR/PVP) in 2009. They shut it down in 2013, but a private server opened in 2014, and the devs have made it better than the original. I have a wife and daughter now, so I don't get to play much anymore -- but it's still a great stress reliever, and I sneak on for some PVP action whenever I get a chance. https://www.returnofreckoning.com
  10. What's John Kerry got to do with this?
  11. Rush LImbaugh never called a female VP candidate a "c-nt."
  12. I knew, I just didn't care. Which brings us to one of my shortcomings, I guess. Seriously, I'm way too hard on myself. That has been -- by far -- my biggest obstacle in life.
  13. Very well crafted reply. Thank you for taking the time. (I mean that). Absolutely no knock on TO (the player) whatsoever, and I don't think his attitude should have had any bearing on him being or not being a first-ballot HOFer. My comment there was more about the fact that his coaches kept getting tired of his antics and shipping him off, killing the type of long-term coaching and QB chemistry that helped define some of the other greats (Montanta/Young to Rice, Manning to Harrison, and pretty much any other elite receiver before free agency as we know it began in ’92). To his credit, Owens still put up gaudy numbers. My sense is they would have been a lot higher with more stability, and he could have been the greatest receiver ever. Owens, Tomlinson and Taylor were all ridiculously talented and should have been first-ballot no-brainers. (I had told my nose while typing that about Taylor because he was a Dolphin. I find solace in the fact that for as good as Taylor was, he was not Bruce Smith). << I would say him and LT are on par with each other after a little more scrutiny about it, in terms of relation to their peers at their positions, so we can call him a wash. >> Agreed. ?
  14. YES! Kudos for looking it up. If you're going to make a comment that X player is better than Y player and Z player, all I ask is that you attempt to back it up, which you have done here. For the record, comparing a RB to a WR -- to a DE -- to me -- is not very practical. But that's the hand we were dealt with your proclamation that TO was better than LT and Jason Taylor. I took exception with your "educated" comment -- I don't think that was much of an education. That's what started all of this. Agree to disagree on that, I guess. Onward. << Looking at the stats and thinking for myself does show something... TO was as good as LT in statistical rankings in relation to others. >> Why did you omit the most important detail? TO played 15 seasons. (So did Emmitt Smith!) LT played 11. How does that not make LT's numbers all the more impressive? << Either LT should be higher on my list (#2-5 like TO and a first ballot) or TO should be higher on yours. You can't have it both ways. >> Not asking for it both ways. You seem to think I dislike TO. Why? Because I have massive love for LT? To be clear, TO should have been a first-ballot HOFer. I'm not down on TO at all, other than his crappy attitude which caused him to bounce around the league. Had he stayed with one or two teams, he might have now been in the discussion for "best ever." But that didn't happen, and TO has nobody to blame for that but his big mouth and his lousy attitude. He had all the physical tools. << LT was on stacked teams many years, don't act like he wasn't. >> And... You're back to your old ways. There's zero substance to this comment, much like your "educated" comment. Why shouldn't I act like he wasn't? Drew Brees wasn't "Drew Brees" when he was in San Diego. That's why he was traded. Philip Rivers is (to me) is a little above average at best. Who "stacked" these teams for a sustained period of time other than LT and Gates? OTOH, here were Owens' first four quarterbacks: Steve Young, Jeff Garcia, Donovan McNabb, Tony Romo. Let's not act like learning under -- and catching passes from -- a HOF QB is irrelevant. TO played with McNab and Romo in their primes. Give me either any day over Rivers. (TO made Jeff Garcia -- I will absolutely give you that). I'm more than happy to list players who stacked TO's teams, but it's common knowledge to even the most casual football fan that the 49ers, Cowboys and Eagles were loaded those years. << I'm not sure why you "have no use for me" and like to act like TO was trash and nowhere in any lists. >> Lists? Don't you mean "click bait?" There are very few publications and writers I respect anymore. These "best of" lists are laughable to me. I want to hear YOUR rationale for YOUR points. Deflecting by essentially saying "I read it somewhere" neuters your argument. Also, please show me where I acted "like TO was trash." Please reference my specific quote(s). This should be good. << I do think LT was a first ballot, but TO should have been as well, arguably moreso. The argument was that TO shouldn't have been, which I think is absurd if you are just going by in the field performance. >> Don't disagree with anything here but "moreso," for the above reasons. As much as you want to turn this into an argument about me saying TO was trash, there's just no "there" there -- and you know it. Sorry.
  15. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2011/09/26/wilforks-dirty-play-costs-pats/ You're not wrong! Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Check the link above. I agree with you on Freddie. He was absolutely trying to score.
  16. Trudeau in a suit? I almost didn't recognize him out of his everyday attire.
  17. The Bills picked Brady off a career-high 4 times that game, and Wilfork melted down at the end to draw a personal foul and seal the win for us. Honorable mention to Drayton Florence for putting us ahead with his pick-6 just seconds after Freddie tied the game in the 4th.
  18. We don't deserve deGrom
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