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Golden Goat

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Everything posted by Golden Goat

  1. But... but... STORMY DANIELS!!! ?
  2. I'll start by saying that you are every bit the idiot most on here claim you are. I think you know that, though, given how regularly these folks scrape remnants of you off their boots. I compared Obama's last two years to Trump's (almost) first two years. To anyone with a brain, that graph refutes your original "argument" that today's booming economy is "not because of" Trump. The DOW had ZERO net gain Obama's last two years, then soared the day Trump was elected. Ask your teacher what that means, maybe? As I wrote in another thread, you've got absolutely nothing. I mean that every way you could possibly take it, and I look forward to many, many more years of wiping the floor with you. ?
  3. You seem to "miss" a lot of peoples' posts when you get destroyed. ?
  4. "Argument" implies some type of resistance from the other side. He's got nothing.
  5. What does that have to do with you jumping off a building? BTW, still waiting for a reply from you in the "The Fire Bell In The Night" thread. Not that you'll show up, because you always crawl away, tail between your legs, when you're whipped.
  6. Which building you'll jump off on Election Day 2020.
  7. Your lack of evidence -- let alone proof -- has you so mad. ?
  8. That's the first thing that struck me, too. Trying way too hard to "humanize" him.
  9. Gotta wonder if Page and Strzok are #s 2 and 3, or if they accepted a deal to flip. If they didn't, I can't imagine how they kept their jobs (and clearance) at the FBI until recently.
  10. Facts don't like you, do they?
  11. ... because Master Soros hasn't given him the talking point for that (yet).
  12. Fantasy football draft prep. Our leagues are extremely competitive.
  13. I'm a first-generation American and Dad didn't know what a football was until I was 8. He's still never watched an NFL game. "Futball?" Different story. ?
  14. Well, this certainly clears things up. Thanks, ESPN. Absolutely. I just reposted it with the underlined caption. Missed it the first time. This is the sad state of journalism 2018.
  15. "Well, I think that the dangerous, you know, edges here are that he is trying to undermine the media and trying to make up his own facts. And it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, (Trump) could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think. And that, that is our job." MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski, February 22, 2017
  16. I was thinking Peggy Bundy's less fortunate -- and less talented -- sister.
  17. Kinda like illegal immigration, huh?
  18. Cleveland's outfield appears to be like 500 miles long. ?
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