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Golden Goat

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Everything posted by Golden Goat

  1. Tom, now you're just embarrassing yourself. Eight posts ago you said you don't reply to trolls because you're not a Democrat. Eight posts later, you're either a Democrat or a liar -- or both. You're so damn easy. And mad.
  2. https://www.cnet.com/news/supreme-court-says-warrant-necessary-for-phone-location-data/
  3. Yes! That was 1997. The Colts were 0-6 coming into that game and we almost handed them their first win. Cuz, you know -- We're the Bills.
  4. I took exception with the way he goes about "arguing." 99% of the time I keep things nicey-nice. You want to get in the gutter with me? I can do that. Yeah. You went to bed ... just like you don't reply to trolls. And please, continue to call me names. It reaffirms my point that when you've got nothing -- which is often -- that's your only recourse. I accept your concession.
  5. BTW, Tom, I apologize for making you rage quit last night. I knew you were easily triggered, but I had no idea to what extent. I now know, as evidenced by the fact that you said you don't reply to "trolling" -- yet you've done a remarkable job of replying to "trolling." You're either a liar or I just know what buttons to press to make you jump. Either way, I'm waiting to see why everyone here thinks you're so tough. So far you're firing blanks. I knew a groupie or two would show up eventually... Tom can't fight his own battles, huh? ?
  6. Tom, it's important that you understand this: Folks here pacify you because you’re that scrawny, hyperactive, petulant, MEAN special-needs boy that everyone feels obligated to care about, but really don’t. So they sit there and stolidly say things like, “wow… look at that picture… did you draw that?”—when it’s a faint, indiscernable smear of some sort. Let that sink in for a moment, Corky. ❤️
  7. You -- talking about meaningless trolling? ? ?
  8. It's depressing how few MNF games the Bills were in during the drought. Totally justified -- but depressing nonetheless.
  9. Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been 30 days since I gave a crap about the Mets...
  10. That GoFundMe page really been up for six months. Let's ensure he doesn't have to wait any longer.
  11. Scalia hurt -- but he wasn't a fixture on our set like Krauthammer had become, talking to us every night. This loss feels personal.
  12. You didn't deny the 4'10, female-led thing. Interesting. He's going to lose. Badly.
  13. Tom, I know your type. When you lose a point, you get angry and bash people. It's likely because -- in reality -- you're 4'10 and in a "female-led" relationship, with this being your only outlet to show your "manhood." I'm close, aren't I? You're probably shaking, and now I have you triggered for the whole night. Bliss!
  14. Where does it specifically state that the children held at this facility were unaccompanied? Exact quote, please. Same question I asked DCTom.
  15. It'll be canceled before the season is done.
  16. Doc, this Los Angeles Times article from June 18th, 2014 completely refutes your assessment. Who's wrong -- you or the LA Times? http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-texas-immigrant-children-20140618-story.html
  17. https://www.thenation.com/article/only-the-pentagon-could-spend-640-on-a-toilet-seat/ There are many articles just like this one. I'm surprised the cost is that LOW!
  18. Agreed. Why didn't Obama do it? Same photos published in the Los Angeles Times in 2014. Do you ever win a point? ?
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