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Golden Goat

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Everything posted by Golden Goat

  1. Just how bad was our June? Mets batted .210 #NotMyBaseballTeam
  2. So -- The Germans' big "agreement" is to ship migrants back to the county where they first requested asylum? What a freaking dog and pony show. Even they're not dumb enough to believe one of those countries will take them back. How is this anything more than kicking the can 5 meters down the road? Edit: Just saw that Bavaria's state election is on October 18th. That answers my question. It always comes back to !@#$ing politics, doesn't it? Then what, Angela?
  3. It's even harder to understand your "English."
  4. Sounds like a Russian trying to speak English. Just sayin' ...
  5. But you're both gigantic morons -- no difference there. Sorry, dude. You're still shaking, aren't you?
  6. Tiberius, why do you keep logging in Peace Out and commenting/liking your own comments? Are you 10? ?
  7. Actually, you know you lost and you're very triggered right now. ? ? I get it though. It's been a horrible week for your "kind." I'd be mad, too.
  8. It's so awesome when you lose a point. You get sooooo mad ?
  9. What part of "strap bombs to their body" did you miss?
  10. Did they strap bombs to their bodies to kill innocent women and children, too?
  11. You're right! Added. Thanks for pointing out the oversight! ?
  12. Posts about other world leaders seem to get swallowed up in other threads. No more! Merkel's humiliating defeat on migrants New lefty loon in Mexico Trudeau's dress-up fetish Peace Out / Tiberius triggered by Putin Turkey's new emperor Iran's mullahs on the brink Teflon Bibi Makeup Macron May treading water Londonistan You get the idea.
  13. Merkel folded like a cheap (pant)suit https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/02/world/europe/angela-merkel-migration-coalition.html
  14. I walked away from the GOP after Dole secured the nomination. Been an Independent ever since. Fiscal conservative, social moderate/libertarian. I'm very much an "issues" guy.
  15. Glad I enlarged it. At first I thought it was "call to prayer" on a Bavarian beach.
  16. It started with popcorn. Then came hotdog bits. The more alcohol they consumed, the worse it got -- soda was next. One AAA battery hit my girlfriend and the second hit a fellow Seahawks fan in front of us. They were so drunk they started slurring, "Hey, Buffalo Bullsh*tters! Go back to your sh*thole!" Nonsense like that. Believe what you want; makes zero difference to me. ?
  17. He got his ass kicked there, too.
  18. I'm thoroughly enjoying this game of chicken in Germany... https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/982761/Merkel-news-Schauble-Seehofer-Germany-coalition-Government-resignation-threat-migration
  19. Wasn't I mocking her expression? Try to pay better attention.
  20. Maybe that explains her facial expression?
  21. Can we start with Israel?
  22. "Abolish ICE" just became a little more disastrous for Dems in the midterms.
  23. I was at the Bills-Seahawks game in '99 at the Kingdome. Some fans got so drunk they started throwing batteries at our group -- most of whom were women -- forcing us to leave before halftime. Most piece-o-crap fans we have ever encountered. I'm not NOT enjoying the implosion.
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