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Golden Goat

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Everything posted by Golden Goat

  1. Fascinating little festival they've got coming up. Note Guest #2...
  2. You're judging a whole group based on the actions of a few. I guess it's okay to do that next time an Islamic Terrorist "does something."
  3. I don't usually buy the hype, but these really are the summer's hottest sneakers!
  4. I'm in. Ignore list just got a lot longer than I'd like, but it's a good cause.
  5. Hope you're paying. He'll ditch you halfway through lunch. 😁
  6. Could explain why he replaced Tom with Cam? 🤷‍♀️
  7. "So, Frank... Tell me about that comeback..."
  8. I've drafted Keenan Allen in most FF leagues over the past three years. No more.
  9. Welp, if anyone knows about guzzling...
  10. Could you be more specific? ?‍♀️
  11. This thread = legendary. Already, there are whispers of it in other threads...
  12. Given the pattern, imma wait till 2023 or 2026...
  13. https://knewz.com/massachusetts-mom-son-*****/ Oy.
  14. Apparently, Cohen is back in the picture
  15. That's a compliment coming from you, Hemp. See, you're one of the three dumbest posters on this board. ?‍♂️ How many new rectums do you have from "debating" me? Five? Six?
  16. It really is Alanis Morissette.
  17. Check the replies to his tweet. Looks like Portlanders are onto HIM.
  18. Wheeler during today's presser:
  19. Ladies and gentlemen -- an "attorney." ?
  20. You've got nothing. I bet you hear that often from your "partner," but I'm happy to remind you that you're hypocritical scum who is beaten down with very little effort. I bet you're the Firm's fluffer. << "Nice week in the market." >> That's you in the back, isn't it -- bending over?
  21. DOMESTIC TERRORIST Thought I'd help C-Section out, though I'm pretty sure he's beyond help (and probably getting his ass kicked at 'trial' ATM). 21-year-old college student and step father executed by thug "SAY HIS NAME," C-SECTION.
  22. First, Hemp: Apologize to the disabled folks you disparaged.. ****ing hypocrite.
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