Diaz is, without a doubt, one of the best closers in the game. This one just hits close to home, because Kelenic was my preferred pick pre-draft (for damn good reason, I might add). Like you, I'd be more okay with Dunn or Jimenez moved in this trade. As for my disdain for Cano -- I hate cheaters, he tends to be lazy, and he's one bad decision away from a 162-game suspension. For the size of our market, we're not exactly spenders. His crazy salary likely would keep us from adding other key pieces, even if Bruce is included in the deal. I can't shake the feeling that he'll be Mo Vaughn 2.0.
Our farm system has been consistently ranked at the bottom of the league for the past five years. I was excited that we'd finally turned that corner. Again, too many things we do not know. Let's hope it is, indeed, ONE prospect and Bruce's contract.