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Golden Goat

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Everything posted by Golden Goat

  1. For those who missed Adam Levine and the halftime show, I've got your back.
  2. The only way I wouldn't thoroughly enjoy this is if they get Tua. I hate the Dolphins more than any other pro team.
  3. Sister was just diagnosed yesterday. Israelis don't mess around -- Hoping this is even half true.
  4. Do they say "dilly dilly" at least once every commercial?
  5. Just say "yes." You're covered.
  6. The refs blew that one -- What a break for the Rams.
  7. And looks like he's been toking.
  8. That sounded more like Warren Buffet. What a lazy "effort."
  9. I'm good with that. I also have no problem with taxing the crap out of it at the federal level, especially for recreational use.
  10. Weed should be legalized nationwide for medicinal and recreational use. Controversial, perhaps, given that I'm not exactly left-of-center.
  11. I wish Jay Riemersma were given Ertz-like volume.
  12. Rams' head coach shouted it into his headset a few minutes earlier ... "damn ***** right!" Clear as day for those reading lips.
  13. Thanks, did not know that. Volume's down. I was being a tad sarcastic. I really thought it was smog. ?
  14. I would rather see this Rams offense on the Bills with Allen!
  15. Look at Anderson evoking Jerome Bettis. Good for him.
  16. Sounds like a home game for Dallas.
  17. Those teammates helping C.J. Anderson up off the ground -- they're risking serious injury. Dude looks six months pregnant.
  18. How'd that work out for this guy?
  19. Which is likely why we're Dumpster diving in the CFL.
  20. Sadly, there is such a thing as "ridiculously early" football on the west coast. I never got used to that when I lived there.
  21. Proof that he can handle a double-team, no prob!
  22. Please let this on-side kick happen... Just for fun.
  23. Whoa, Seattle, where's Hauschka when you need him? Oh yeah...
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