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Golden Goat

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Everything posted by Golden Goat

  1. Just got one the other day doing 80 in a 65. The speed limit WAS 80, but I apparently didn't see the sign where it briefly went down to 65. Classic speed trap.
  2. Curious as to when y'all first experienced a teacher who tried to push political beliefs on the class. Grades 1-6: Queens, NY (not one) Grades 7-9: Central Jersey (not one) Grades 10-12: Boca Raton, FL (not one) University of Missouri-Columbia: Holy crap, Batman! Looking back -- given that I attended grade school in AOC's district -- I'm surprised it took that long.
  3. I opened this thinking it was about members of this board. 😐
  4. "NO PEE PEE THERE!" cuts down on words. I use them every day with Espy. Those, and "HEY, MORONICA!"
  5. I'm so glad that happened. I don't want to hate the Saints.
  6. Dude, I don't know you, but -- This is the best news I've received in 2020. Thank you.
  7. Okay, my last, last guess: Cookie?
  8. That's fair. My wife insisted on calling her Yorkie "ESPN" after watching "Blended." I was like -- "Please don't do that." She did that. After being mercilessly ridiculed for years, she changed the name to "Espy."
  9. Is your wife a Bills fan? If not, it probably has to be something cryptic... like, not "The Amish Rifle."
  10. Boobie? 😁
  11. "Biscuit?"
  12. He has too much money for them to say no. Oh, and ***** you, BVW.
  14. Woods: "You're a great WR, Cooper." Kupp: "Naw, Rob, the only reason I'm good is cuz you're here." They compliment each other.
  15. Well, Gillum just came out as bisexual. Does that count as an accomplishment? P.S. We never would have guessed, Andrew -- especially not after you were found passed out and meth'd up in a hotel room with another dude who was passed out and meth'd up. 😶
  16. I got "meh'd" in the Bold Predictions thread for picking Brown to have more TDs and yards than Diggs at the end of the season. I'm doubling down on it. Diggs' presence will make Brown a beast this year.
  17. Why... WHY the heck did I click on that link? *****, MY EYES!!!
  18. In a five-minute span, he made fun of women and Jews. This, voters, is a modern-day liberal idiot.
  19. Just another liberal Jew-hater making light of the Holocaust and too stupid to realize this kills his/her/its "cause." The moron would be you, Q-tip.
  20. Awwww, I triggered poor wittle Q-Tip again. I'm guessing you're a filthy anti-Semite, like a certain other lib troll -- not to mention any names.
  21. It's amazing that the media still runs with this. Trump's daughter is an Orthodox Jew. Trump's son-in-law (and most trusted adviser) is an Orthodox Jew. Trump never massacred one Jew, let alone 6 million. Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel (a broken campaign promise by almost every presidential candidate for decades). Trump's admin helped broker once-unthought-of peace deals with UAE, Bahrain and more to come. Trump treats Israeli leadership and citizens with respect, unlike his hateful predecessor. Other than that, though -- HITLER! I'm on record saying I don't like many things Trump says and does. I don't plan on voting. However, those who calls him "Hitler" mock the memory of good folks like my ancestors who were exterminated at the hands of a REAL monster. If Libs keep insulting our intelligence with this Hitler *****, they just might push me (and others like me) to the polls.
  22. Bell's injury is on Gase. Dude is a head-on train wreck.
  23. Sling seems to be behind Dish. I added Dish's Multi-Sport Pak for $12.99 a month, and the RedZone stream kicked in about an hour ago. The reception is horrible and only 2/3 of the screen is filled. They weren't prepared for this. From what I've read, the deal was done right around kickoff of the 1 p.m. games, so I'm guessing the kinks will be ironed out for both by next week. Edit: Here's the link for Sling Edit 2: I had to restart my receiver to get it to work.
  24. Just in time. I was getting PISSED. https://awfulannouncing.com/dish-network/sling-nfl-network-redzone-back-dish-dispute.html
  25. He died on impact, unfortunately.
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