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Golden Goat

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Everything posted by Golden Goat

  1. I'll take the Broncos.
  2. It's still very early. I just don't see him as someone the DNC would covet, and if 2016 was any indication, that's all that matters.
  3. White and male. Doesn't stand a chance in the primary, sexual preference notwithstanding.
  4. Doc was single and in his early 20s on a team of hideous "role models." Harvey was (and remains) a ***** selfish prima donna *****, who got bad advice from his equally ***** selfish prima donna ***** agent. deGrom is 30, married and has two little ones. I know that doesn't guarantee he won't dabble, but he has a helluva lot of incentive not to! He seems to have his head screwed on right. (Man, what Doc could have become...)
  5. And THAT is why deGrom got paid. What a freaking stud.
  6. So... Who's next on the DNC hit list? The other old white guy?
  7. Hmmm... What's today again?
  8. I hope that whiff of her unwashed hair was worth it, sicko.
  9. One of the best baseball photo pranks EVER. I remember this card well.
  10. Lawyer: "They could have worn white face." At what point do they realize they're embarrassing themselves?
  11. ^ Both of the show's remaining viewers are beyond excited.
  12. Wait, I thought the Oscars were racist? But then again -- Hollywood is liberal. How can this be? ?
  13. How long until he sues Hollywood for colluding to keep him from acting? Starting my stopwatch... now.
  14. I know... I know... I'm a week late. Happy belated birthday to Stormy Daniels, who turned 40 last week for the 11th year in a row.
  15. MAGA! (Michael Avenatti Got Arrested)
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