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Golden Goat

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Everything posted by Golden Goat

  1. In fairness, if they didn't wear masks, they'd be getting wedgies every few minutes.
  2. Anyone who watched WWF wrestling in the late '80s or early '90s remembers Ted DiBiase, the Million Dollar Man. Then there was his sidekick, Virgil. Not sure if Virgil has friends, but plenty of photographic evidence suggests he's very, very lonely.
  3. Last survivor: The story of the 'world's loneliest man' "The 50-something man has been living alone in the Brazilian Amazon for 22 years, after the last members of his tribe were murdered."
  4. Okay, but we go dutch...
  5. Anyone else not get into an altercation at a bar this weekend or am I just boring af?
  6. In 10 years he'll look like Screech from Saved by the Bell.
  7. Frazier would be strictly for cash considerations and that infamous "nobody to be named later." Vargas, too. Wheeler could get us a bit more, but not much. All three are rentals.
  8. What the '69 Mets are up to now
  9. The chicks would need to be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay hotter...
  10. Oh, Florida will always be Florida. Just last week, for example... ?
  11. Joe should have taken a Jaylen Ramsey-style dive.
  12. Drudge poll has Yang in the lead by a lot ?
  13. Buttigieg: "Everybody who says Medicare For All and every person in politics who allows that phrase to escape their lips has a responsibility to explain how you are supposed to get from here to there." Best line of the night so far.
  14. Who gets traded first?
  15. Seriously? You put a guy you just called up from Syracuse in that spot? ?
  16. My friend -- a Giants fan -- thinks David Tyree is a legend. It's in the eye of the beholder, I guess.
  17. Looks like some folks at Google have quite a bit to hide... GOOGLE Execs Delete Social Media Accounts After James O'Keefe's Latest Exposé Jen Gennai, for example:
  18. Jay Bruce is the new Daniel Murphy.
  19. I'm sure it's just the lighting and positioning, but the left leg -- to me -- looks like that of a much, much larger woman.
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