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Golden Goat

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Everything posted by Golden Goat

  1. Baltimore deputy police commissioner, wife robbed at gunpoint But it's totally not a rat-infested sh*thole. Really.
  2. I won't feel safe until that painting of Clinton in the dress is destroyed and scrubbed from the Internet.
  3. My crush was Dawn Wells/Marianne from Gilligan's Island. I met her when she was in her late 50s and it was like.... "Oh." ?
  4. If it had to be brought to your attention, you're the one who should resign, idiot.
  5. I can only imagine the horrors that exist upon hitting the play button. Pass.
  6. They have no respect for the laws of their own country. Like that'll magically change when they' visit a country whose people they hate? Riiiiiiiiiight.
  7. ... in a state with the third-largest population of African-Americans. ?
  8. The last link in my post is exactly how much they make. Do you know what a union is, and how salaries are -- ya know -- set? I'm not disputing that they don't make enough money. I'm disputing the "facts" you used in an attempt to make that argument.
  9. No question. The issue is that the poster is flat-out lying and/or doesn't understand how a union shop works. No arguments from me that they're still underpaid and I wouldn't do it for $500K a year, so more power to them.
  10. Glassdoor.com: Average salary for a NYC corrections officer is $53,312 ($25.63/hour) Payscale.com: Average salary for a NYC corrections officer is $60,926 ($29.29/hour) Nyc.gov: ENTRY LEVEL NYC corrections officer (Academy) pays $43,333 annually ($20.83/hour) … 5.5+ YEARS EXPERIENCE pays $85,292 annually ($41/hour) Sooooo… Where’d you get your numbers?
  11. It might be time to Panik With Canowww maybe done for the year, this could happen today or tomorrow. Dude's got World Series experience and was a stud not too long ago. Maybe a change of scenery -- like coming back home to Flushing -- brings back some luster. He has to clear waivers first.
  12. AOC-backed candidate Tiffany Cabán concedes defeat in Queens DA race
  13. Also, fact checking. That doesn't matter anymore. The younger "journalists" want to get it first, not right.
  14. Oregon District of Dayton, Ohio.
  15. Or an old Dan Marino jersey...
  16. "My testosterone sometimes makes me want to feel like punching him..."
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