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Golden Goat

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Everything posted by Golden Goat

  1. Janet Reno Larry King
  2. Haven't watched the video yet, but I don't disagree that there's a lot for her to get off her chest.
  3. Tibs' hatred for Jews is really something, huh?
  4. My expectation is that he'll delete this thread. It's not going well for him.
  5. I accept your concession.
  6. You're a non-Jew telling a Jew what's going on in the Jewish community. You're every bit the moron folks here say you are. ?
  7. I *am* "they." You totally missed that, didn't you?
  8. I was surprised, too. Here's the most recent photo I found.
  9. I'm a card-carrying member of the Tribe, so here goes. While Trump should have kept his mouth shut (as usual) -- He's not wrong. If Democrats don't do something about their Tlaib/Omar problem, they will lose a ton of the Jewish vote, because when we're threatened, we come together REAL fast. Why? A few numbers for context: WORLDWIDE POPULATION Muslims: 1.8 billion Jews: 15 million That's 120:1 Now, the MSM repeatedly assures us that "only" 20% of Muslims are radicalized. What they neglect to say is that 20% is 360 million -- 360 million Muslims who want 15 million Jews exterminated. That's 24:1 Almost everywhere these two go, there are Jewish/Israeli protests nearby. But those stories aren't convenient for the MSM, so they don't make it to TV. The protests grow with each visit, especially in liberal strongholds like Los Angeles, where many outraged Jews/Israelis happen to live. Tlaib/Omar are a gift to Trump. I hope they continue their anti-Semitic garbage up to and including Election Day 2020.
  10. I mean... What the... HOW?
  11. Finally free to pursue that broadcasting career! ?
  12. Wow, and I thought this was bad... Brevard man tells police he stole dozens of pool floats to use for sex ORLANDO, Fla. — A man who was found by police in Palm Bay with 75 pool floats said he’d stolen them for sex instead of raping women, according to an arrest affidavit.
  13. Happened to me once after eating at Waffle House. I was violently ill for 36 hours and seriously thought I was going to die.
  14. Let us know how you like it if/when! The chicken tenders are amazing. We like the regular seasoned fries, but not the waffle fries or potato wedges. I usually pick up around 4:30 p.m., right before the dinner rush. The chicken's usually fresh out of the oil around then. ?
  15. Our family's rankings: #1 Krispy Krunchy Chicken #2 Popeye's #2A Bojangles #3 Chick-Fil-A * . . . . #20 KFC {no longer considered given the other choices} ***************** If you've never tried Krispy Krunchy, don't hate until you give it a go. They're nationwide and there are 6 in the Buffalo area (location link above). * Love the folks who work at Chick-Fil-A. We just don't like sweet chicken.
  16. The little person has massive arms for his size.
  17. When I was 10, my family witnessed a truck jacknife on the freeway. The motorcyclist behind him was decapitated. Never, never, never...
  18. "On this week's episode of Young Sheldon..."
  19. We went in June, as a stop between Washington and Atlantic City. We stayed right at Inner Harbor. It was NOT the Inner Harbor I remember from the late '80s. We did the paddle boat photo op thing, but couldn't get the heck of there soon enough. There were mobs of teens and police cars on the sidewalk of every block. The hotel staff reassured us -- "Don't worry. This is the SAFE part of town!" Never again. Sounds like an NCIS episode! Does not surprise me one bit, considering the city/state.
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