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Golden Goat

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Everything posted by Golden Goat

  1. 'Kobe!' chants break out before Denver Nuggets game
  2. Yes, those things tend to stick. I remember the Payne Stewart tragedy very well -- and I hate golf! I was glued to the news as the macabre details emerged -- most notably an airplane on autopilot carrying a bunch of lifeless bodies. Given who Kobe was -- and the timing with Lebron -- this will be 1). legendary and 2). fodder for conspiracy theorists. My wife cried. My wife's family 12 time zones away cried. I know I'll never forget today.
  3. Completely forgot that this was today.
  4. Yup. Journalism 2020 is all about getting it first, not right.
  5. This is going to be one of those "where were you when" moments. So sad.
  6. Maybe you can make a mini football field out of the turf, like the NFL anchors have.
  7. Enforcement varies within each state, too. For example, in Florida, a new law states that odor of marijuana alone no longer constitutes probable cause, because hemp is legal and they smell the same. Because of this law, Some counties have stopped pursuing marijuana charges altogether.
  8. Okay, that got a groan out of my wife, so -- well done! ?
  9. I interpreted it as unsmoked -- small stash, maybe for later.
  10. Our beagle is 15 1/2. He's mostly blind and deaf. Still eats like a horse, though -- which has always been my measuring stick. When they reject even their favorite foods, it's time.
  11. After the NYT endorsed Warren AND Klobuchar:
  12. So easy to visualize. So hard to get out of my head. Thanks. ?
  13. Dear Lord, let there be something to this. Amen.
  14. "bruh" ?
  15. Rooting for the Titans to come up 2 yards short of beating Green Bay in the Super Bowl.
  16. "Bombshell." Every day there's a new 'bombshell' that's forgotten the next day -- due to a new 'bombshell.'
  17. His "niece" is 2 for 2 so far, having called Beltran's signing and resignation. It's obviously not his niece. Seems to be someone in the know with an axe to grind against a whole lot of people. The whole thing is just fascinating. Oh, who am I kidding, I'm just glad "strike-three-called" is gone. ?
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