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Golden Goat

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Everything posted by Golden Goat

  1. @Magox To ensure that all PPP voices are heard, please add "I'm not old enough to vote."
  2. I'd love someone like Benson to kick ass and take names so I wouldn't have to.
  3. How much has she paid Jamaicans in reparations?
  4. She likely blew it to get the job. ?‍♂️
  5. If only one member of the "Squat" goes, please let it be...
  6. I held my nose and voted for Trump in 2016. While I respect the fact that millions of Americans died for my right to vote, they also died for my right to not vote, should that be my choice. And this year, that's my choice.
  7. Susan Boyle lives in Albany?
  8. Like the rest of the Democrat party, he doesn't realize or care how sexist and racist that promise actually was.
  9. And those are just the meth labs. Wait till you see the slums!
  10. I appreciate all Mr. Wilson did for Buffalo, but I'd rather not have a stadium that's name is synonymous with vomit. Maybe during the Rex/Rob Ryan era, but not now.
  11. Oh, give it time... You ain't seen nothing yet. Not one bit. If they're acquitted, will you STFU?
  12. Real reason: He refused to play with a girl on the team.
  13. Ethics Committee orders Tlaib to refund campaign $10,800 for salary payments To be clear, here: She STOLE money and wouldn't have given it back had she not been caught. That is all.
  14. Taking that a step further, many of the small businesses that do survive will reassess their staff, if they haven't already. I've spoken with many small business owners in the past four months who've said, "We're going to downsize. We never realized how much fat we had. We don't need all these employees. We didn't realize how much we could get done in India for a fraction of the cost. We don't need the overhead of a storefront." Etc.
  15. I won't be satisfied till I see Brady and Gronk jawing at each other on the sidelines.
  16. Your shtick has bombed, 'Melania.' Try something else.
  17. Polls in 2016 were worthless. Polls now are worthless. Nobody needs to pull out every racial gaffe from the last 40 years of Joe's career. He casts these pearls weekly in 2020. Imagine what he'll say if he has the stones to debate?
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