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Everything posted by JGMcD2

  1. Saw that Kuechly doesn’t want to completely leave football behind and he’s specifically interested in coaching. I’m going to do everyone’s favorite thing and make the McDermott - Carolina connection. Bob Babich is a great coach but bringing Kuechly in as an assistant could help Tremaine take another huge leap this year. This would be really cool to see. EDIT: https://www.profootballrumors.com/2020/01/luke-kuechly-eyeing-coachingconsulting-gig
  2. Come on man. At least try and learn the rules of free agency if you’re going to post something obnoxious like this. Levi Wallace is an Exclusive Rights Free Agent (ERFA). He’s going to make the league minimum this year as a member of the Buffalo Bills. It would be stupid to not bring him back.
  3. Lunhow’s already doubling down. His statement was such a joke. He deflected blame on “players, coaches and lower level staff.” That’s the sign of a real strong leader. He’s always been a pompous jerk and now it’s catching up with him. He was cold and cut throat, treated people like objects, particularly scouts. He just tried to do the same here to save his name. It’s all catching up to him... now he no longer has power and success to mask those horrible people skills. I don’t think he gets a second chance, nor does he deserve one.
  4. Look you definitely know your history here but you’re wrong on nobody pushing for it. They wanted to implement drug testing after the Pittsburgh Drug Trials in 1985. That’s an absolute fact. Seeing that it’s collectively bargained the players said no, we’re not giving that up, the league can’t just stuff it into the CBA and move on. That would cause a strike. The biggest issue for baseball were the numerous work stoppages, so maybe folks didn’t push as hard on a tough subject like that because it would’ve led to another work stoppage but the comment that nobody pushed for it is laughably wrong. I took a class that Bud Selig taught... I’ve heard stories about the inner workings of those negotiations. There was a push for drug testing but players wouldn’t budge on it. You can’t just rip up the CBA my friend... that causes issues.
  5. That’s an issue that has to be collectively bargained. The players wanted nothing to do with random drug testing. The MLB had suggested drug testing numerous times and the MLBPA which is the strongest in all of sports staunchly opposed it. There would have been much deeper issues with the players had they just forced drug testing on them, it actually never could have occurred. It’s really not as simple as just doing it...
  6. Major League Baseball was also the first league to have to really address PED because they were being used in all sports. It is a well known fact that Major League Baseball has served as the model for all four major sports here because of numerous factors such as it’s longevity but it’s also been the sport that commonly takes on divisive issues head on. If they’re not the first to address certain issues, they’re typically the first to get things right (I.e. domestic abuse).
  7. Belicheck is the greatest of all time. No question about it... but I believe he is really good at finding guys that fit his system. That’s players, coaches, water boys, etc. Whereas Reid is good at identifying talent, not just talent that specifically fits what he wants to do. That is the difference. I think Flores is a good coach. O’Brien is in way over his head IMO. The video of him going after a fan was disturbing... he’s just never really impressed me. I actually think Judge will be a good hire... the buzz on him is somewhat different than past coaches from the Belicheck tree. Overall the results have been extremely underwhelming for Belicheck. I actually like Matt Patricia a lot - I have close ties to him and from stories I’ve heard he’s an incredible coach but it doesn’t seem like he’s a head coach. Point being on all of this... I wouldn’t make a decision based on these trees but I’d take it into consideration... it tells a story.
  8. Well that’s completely changes the game and I would agree with you. A guy like Diggs or Evans is totally different. I’m not sure who I was thinking of but I was thinking that big! I’m sure Beane will poke around those guys... I hope he surprises us!
  9. I’m not sure it makes a ton of sense for us to trade our first round pick away entirely. Doesn’t seem to be the Beane model... that cheap controlled playmaker is more attractive to them I believe. Trading our first for a proven guy means we need to pay him like a proven guy. Believe me I want a proven guy but our model is undoubtedly building through the draft and taking advantage of staggering big free agent contracts so they end right around when we need to pay our high draft picks (that hopefully continue to have success). I can see them giving a guy some money in FA but not trading an early pick and having to pay a guy big money.
  10. I have a feeling we trade up for CeeDee Lamb... or just up for whoever Beane likes at the position.
  11. The franchise tag would be somewhere between $14-$15M for a running back off the top of my head with the exclusive tag (average of top 5 RB salaries this last year). This means that no team would be able to negotiate with him and he’s a Titan. The non-exclusive tag which is the more commonly used tag would run closer to $11-$12M (average of top 5 RB salaries over the last 5 years) This tag means that other teams can still negotiate with him but the Titans would have a chance to match. Were they to allow him to leave, they’d receive 2 1st rounders. The transition tag is the average of the top 10 RB salaries but the player is free to negotiate with other teams. Original team still has a chance to match but if they do not, they receive no compensation.
  12. I wish I disagreed... but I don’t. I told about 20 people last night that Beane needs to give Derrick Henry a blank check in March. Unfortunately the ability of a team to use both the franchise tag and transition tag this year is going to make it much more difficult. I see Henry getting the non-exclusive franchise tag and Tannehill getting the transition tag.
  13. My mistake - I see where I had that written. Good catch! That wasn’t consistent with the overall content of the post. I have made an adjustment to reflect this.
  14. Yes, people seem to brush over the type of talent he had in Denver. That was a rebuttal from my Browns fan friend... he said “The Browns have infinitely more talent than McDaniels ever had outside of New England”. Obviously he didn’t know what he was talking about because I quickly googled the teams he had. He had former #1 overall pick Sam Bradford who had just won NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year in St. Louis. Plus Steven Jackson and Brandon Lloyd. In Denver he had Kyle Orton, Brandon Marshall (Pro Bowl 2009) and Brandon Lloyd (All Pro 2010), Knowshon Moreno who was the #12 pick that year, Ryan Clady (All-Pro 2009 LT) Elvis Dumervil (All-Pro LB 2009), Champ Bailey (Pro Bowl 2009-12 CB), Brian Dawkins (2nd Team All-Pro S 2009). He also managed to trade Jay Cutler, Brandon Marshall and Peyton Hillis! I’ll give him the fact that he drafted both Demaryius Thomas and Eric Decker in 2010 but he only coached them for 10 games before he got fired. Speaking of him getting fired... I can rehash the whole Spygate 2.0 in Denver that had a pretty big impact on him getting fired. Funny how McDaniels and former Patriots video assistant Steve Scarnecchia had no idea that video taping an opponents practice was illegal after being two main players during the original Spygate in New England. His agent also left him after he screwed the Colts over because of the backlash he was receiving! Holy crap, the more and more I look into this guy he seems like a horrible candidate. Either NFL owners are idiots or the media is conducting the hype train for this buffoon.
  15. I agree! I think Sean does a great job balancing the history of Buffalo and legacy of those teams while also focusing on the future and the culture today. He respects the past while also building for the future. Frank would have drawn some necessary (and unnecessary) comparisons primarily from the media about those Super Bowl teams + Thurman, Kelly, Reed, Bruce, etc. I think he would’ve brought a similar approach and mindset but the pressure would have been substantially greater.
  16. Yes, that is correct! It would’ve gotten far too complex and convoluted had I tried to dive into every player, position coach relationship, at least for the time I wanted to spend on it haha. I thought coordinators was the easiest + I can’t recall an instance where anyone other than a coordinator was named a head coach. Then Frank Reich showed an incredible amount of integrity and retained all of them on his staff despite having no direct ties. I wasn’t old enough to watch Frank play but I’m extremely impressed with him as a person, coach and motivator in today’s NFL.
  17. A friend of mine is a big Browns fan... we’ve been going back and forth basically since we hired McDermott about what team was doing things the right way... the Browns or the Bills. Well that’s pretty obvious now... but our football conversations have become much deeper. He REALLY wants McDaniels and I believe McDaniels isn’t a great candidate. I’m a big believer in career paths and trends... so I did some research to prove him wrong. I thought it would be interesting to share with a wider audience since I spent a little bit of time in it lol! The content is the “coaching tree” of both Belicheck and Reid (only reflects coordinators under them that went on to be HC). I picked these two because there are 8 coordinators under Belicheck and Reid that are currently NFL head coaches. If you include Reid and Belicheck their “trees” (as defined in this case) make up 32% of all NFL head coaches. BILL BELICHECK These are the 6 coordinators under Bill Belicheck to become head coaches (excluding Joe Judge who has yet to coach and NFL game) Romero Crennel, Josh McDaniels, Eric Mangini, Bill O’Brien, Matt Patricia, Brian Flores. Their combined record is 138-196-1. That is good for a .412 winning%. The only coach with a winning record is Bill O’Brien. Those coaches combined to coach 22 total seasons as a head coach. Over those 22 total seasons those coaches average roughly 6 wins and 9 losses. Those coaches made the playoffs 5 times in 22 seasons which is 23% of the time. Mangini (1) and O’Brien (4) are the only coaches to make playoff appearances. No coach has a winning record in the playoffs. ANDY REID These are the 5 coordinators under Andy Reid to become head coaches. Brad Childress, John Harbaugh, Doug Pederson, Sean McDermott, Matt Nagy. Their combined record is 240-170. That is good for a .585 winning%. No coach has a losing record in their career as a head coach. Those coaches have combined for 26 seasons as head coaches. Over those 26 seasons they average 9 wins and 6.6 losses. Only Brad Childress has more than 1 losing season in his career as a head coach. Those coaches made the playoffs 16 times in 26 seasons that’s good for 62%. Each coach has made the playoffs at least 1 time. Harbaugh (8), Pederson (3), Childress (2), McDermott (2), Nagy (1). They’re a combined 15-13 in the playoffs with 2 Super Bowl Champions (Harbaugh and Pederson). Matt Nagy won AP Coach of the Year in 2018.
  18. Since you’ve read about them I’m sure you know most of this but... Gaine and Morgan fill a similar role. Morgan has less experience and was actually Gaine’s replacement when he left to take over the GM mantle in Houston. Their background is in Player Personnel if I’m not mistaken. Schoen started out in Carolina as a ticket intern roughly 20 years ago and eventually interned in the scouting department. He worked his way up to a scout with the organization before moving over to Miami and eventually here. His background is more that of a traditional scout. I think it depends on what you’re looking for as an organization. Gaine has experience running the whole show, Morgan is the “hot prospect” so to speak and Schoen’s strength would be drafting. I feel we could stand to lose 1 of Gaine or Morgan and wouldn’t necessarily miss a beat because their role/skill set is somewhat redundant... if Schoen goes that’s a bigger loss IMO. We’d probably promote Lake Dawson (another future GM) to a more advanced role to fill Schoen’s spot and Gaine to Assistant GM. There is SO much talent in this front office it’s unbelievable. I like to compare it to the Boston Red Sox front office that had Theo Epstein, Ben Cherington, Mike Hazen and Jed Hoyer working together. It’s an amazing collection of talent.
  19. I think this a little over the top. The whole situation in general BUT I have to applaud the Bills fan for having the courage to actually want to confront the guy face to face. It’s easy to say stuff to people through a keyboard. He was willing to back it up and double down in person. Doing so he probably went too far BUT again he stood by his convictions.
  20. I thought so too! A former walk-on and what not. Always told he wasn’t good enough you’d think he wouldn’t be like that. Apparently he just thought he could coast by based on last year and the addition of Odell. He legitimately bought into all of the media hype. Thats what this player said as well... Kitchens bought in and didn’t keep things under control there. They loved him and the hype but the second things went wrong the players threw him under the bus.
  21. I can attest to this. A good friend of mine is related to a Browns player. He said that Baker did not put much time into video, studying the playbook, etc. They player had been with other organizations prior and said that he did not work on those aspects like other QBs he had been around in the past. Maybe Baker changes that... but I’ve never heard anyone say Josh doesn’t work hard. Things like this are slowly but surely confirming to me that we made the the right decision with our QB.
  22. I absolutely love WHAT his message is... it’s really not all that different than what McDermott’a foundation is here. That being said, the delivery sounds rehearsed and disingenuous. I work with professional athletes and TBH they laugh at this stuff. It don’t see it going over well at all... he’s going to need to adjust the delivery or he’s going to need to be very specific about the type of players that he builds his organization around.
  23. I was playing Madden yesterday on the kick off return I called a fair catch. The player waived his hand over his head and once I caught it the play ended. Another time I thought about taking the ball out but instead took a knee after catching it, the ref blew the whistle and it was a touchback. One time, I didn’t even want to catch the ball so I let the ball hit the ground and it was an automatic touchback. I’m still looking for the button where I can flip the ball to the referee without doing any of that. The only one I can find is the lateral button... I wonder what would happen if I pressed that ?
  24. We have an assistant defensive line coach, Aaron Whitecotton, on staff currently. After promoting Chad Hall from within last year to WR coach, I bet we do the same here.
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