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Everything posted by JGMcD2

  1. Trolls gonna troll 🤷‍♂️ Your response is that of a 13 year old child.
  2. Do you even know where William and Mary is? Or know where you are in general?
  3. Oh yeah... and then the CBS panel must’ve had it in their script to gush about Murray at the half because well... his numbers were underwhelming and they spliced together some scrambles where he escaped sacks where he was going to lose 7-8 yards and instead lost 1-2 and then said how great he was. Then they flashed the stats and he had like 17 yards rushing... couldn’t help but chuckle. People need to wise up and realize the short little blurbs do a great job of telling the exact story the media wants you to know.
  4. There’s a pretty large group of fans who hate the Bills. Find our fans to be obnoxious and the team/players to be insufferable. There was a fan poll that said Josh was one of the top 3 (I think) biggest whiners in the NFL. McDermott was also top 3 amongst coaches and the Bills overall were polled pretty high there as well. It is what it is... people also know Tua from Alabama and he’s the trendy QB to like... all they’ve been told for 3 years is Josh sucks... so they want to make fun of him when he comes up short.
  5. WOW! Announcers just talked about why Poyer AND Hyde are so important to our defense. Everything they listed, well, wasn’t a counting statistic. Funny how that all works...
  6. I agree they mishandled the QB room with Josh early... I know they wanted to sign Fitz/McCown and it didn’t work out. They traded McCarron which defeated the purpose of bringing him in. Although, the whole mentoring thing is a little overblown IMO. You definitely need leaders in the locker room but it’s not always position to position. See Mario Addison comforting Josh after his grandmother passing. Josh seems to have developed just fine without a real veteran QB around the mentor him. Josh is Josh because he’s Josh. Point being, guys can learn how to do things the right way from guys who play different positions, ultimately it falls on the person who’s making the adjustments to actually make them. That Larry Fitz interview with Kim Pegula went into how Kurt Warner mentored him and in return he’s mentoring Kyler Murray in his own way. Josh was never going to fail because he didn’t have another older QB showing him the ropes. That’s what the coaching staff is for... if they’re not teaching a guy how to prepare that’s on them... it helps to have a player... but what we know about Josh... he was going to take care of it himself and absorb information from whomever gave it to him. He’s not the uncoachable type. Norman was brought in like Kevin Johnson to create completion for the CB2 role. Levi had his ups and downs last year but bringing in Norman was an attempt to elevate competition. I guess I’m more laissez faire when it comes to 1 year deals... I see them all as flier type deals. The market is limited each year, in terms of talent and talent at each position. You’re bringing in a guy to compete and if it doesn’t pan out there are no long term ramifications. If they do pan out, it helps you until you can find a long term solution. The whole current cap situation is WAY overblown... I mean seriously. Nobody coming in mid-season is going to be such a massive upgrade over the current personnel on any roster unless you’re trading for a real difference maker. It’s just way overblown. You spend money on guys and they get hurt or don’t perform... that’s the nature of professional sports. Looking at it from the lens of hindsight just doesn’t work. Otherwise, I agree wholeheartedly with you on the Panthers stuff. Really great point on the impact of signings from other teams... much better comparison for success.
  7. Preach Hap! Very well put. I’d even exclude 1-year deals as well... it’s just depth. Anderson, Daryl Williams, Josh Norman. Low-risk and high-reward. Williams panned out, Norman didn’t. But the point is they’re not going to kill you if they don’t pan out. I’m pretty sure Anderson was in response to Allen’s partially torn UCL from the Texans game? I may be wrong... he was a signing so far off the beaten path I never really considered him a substantial investment. I think I said it before... in years 1-3 of McDermott they brought in 17 former Panthers... two of which remain in the organization... Star and Dean Marlowe. They also let Marlowe go for a bit and brought him back this season. It’s really been a ton of depth type guys until this year and even now there’s still only like 8 former Panthers in the organization. 3 of them are depth guys (Smith, Marlowe, Worley), 1 of them opted out of the season (Star), 1 has barely played (Norman) and the other three are Klein, Addison and Williams. Addison has been consistent which is his MO, Klein has been everyone’s whipping boy and rightfully so and people on this board are campaigning for Williams to get $10-$12M a year. EDIT: Oops forgot Vernon Butler.
  8. What bad contracts are you referring to? Which picks has he dealt outside of our 4th this upcoming season that prohibited us from making a deal? There were like 8 trades at the deadline this year and about half of them were not difference makers. I’m confused as to what everyone thought Beane should do? Force someone to make a trade with him for less than the other team was willing to move that player?
  9. Kyler Murray runs like a RC Car. There I said it, now you won’t be able to unsee it. You’re welcome!
  10. I think they like Bates as a potentially RT option. Williams will be in the $8-$12M range on the open market. I don’t think he’s back, unfortunately. Awesome move by Beane and Williams has been great... my guess would be Beane just signed another Carolina O-lineman and crosses his fingers like he always does!
  11. Yeah I saw this yesterday. It seems to me after looking at the information quickly that teams with winning records are in that “lucky” bin and teams with losing records are in that “unlucky” bin. There is very minimal crossover for a losing team winning more than they should and a winning team losing more than they should and in all of those instances it’s pretty close to being 0 difference. Which I find kind of odd... but it also supports the concept that teams in the NFL are all close in ability/talent and wins are hard to come by in the NFL... or something like that.
  12. That’s the whole point. Thank you for summing it up for me. You don’t just look at a stat and it magically tells you exactly what’s going on and the impact of a player. That just simply doesn’t exist and absolutely never will... You have no idea where to actually look and what the responsibilities of a safety in this defense are. I’m going to bargain that’s more important than the counting statistics like PD and INT.. and when I say I’m gonna bargain I mean this is my line of work and you have absolutely zero idea what you’re typing.
  13. Yes, because passes defended and INT tell the WHOLE story. PFF also has an unbelievable formula that isn’t subjective at all... If you don’t recognize that a player can still have a major impact for a multitude of reasons outside of PFF grades and INT... then well maybe you need a new hobby. And if you’re going off Hyde’s numbers his best season by far was his first year in Buffalo. 5 INT and 13 PD. Since then he hasn’t come close to that. He was never anywhere close to that in GB. But the details don’t matter, not one bit.
  14. Anomalies get thrown out when the data set is big enough for the data to be thrown out. Anomalies don’t exist over a 16 game season, and the most definitely don’t exist over a 9 game sample size. They don’t get thrown out because they’re not anomalies.
  15. I think they end up with Darnold. Ultimately they have a ton of cap space and all their picks this year... they can probably move up if they really want.
  16. Does anyone else feeling like Henry is just a bunch of hype? It feels like every time I watch him he has 3-4 runs that go for like 13 yards and then most of the time he gets bottled up at the line... which idk how that guy gets bottled up as much as he does...
  17. Larry Fitzgerald is so impressive. Holy cow. Talk about a professional.
  18. I agree, I’m not the biggest fan of the media with athletes... but I’m not too bent out of shape about it. Players have specific media obligations they have to fulfill throughout the course of the season. I highly doubt he’s doing excess media work... this is probably just in line with what he’s required to do.
  19. Cases are rising in WNY. Rumors are that schools are going to get shut down soon. If that’s the case, everything is going to start to shut down. Cuomo isn’t going to allow fans at games this entire year. Specific counties are in his yellow tier... it’s just not going to happen.
  20. Beane sucks. He’s the reason they were #32... don’t ever give the man credit!!!! 🙄🤣
  21. I wasn't alive for the Super Bowls... but I remember growing up my parents telling me about the exact scene you just described. Everyone chanting for Scott after he missed the FG. I didn't really understand the magnitude of that, but now I do. That story... that concept will always stick with me. I find it unbelievably powerful. I'm so glad you brought it up.
  22. You and Hap are so right. The classy thing for them to do would have been to just get together as reporters beforehand... decide on 1 question related to the passing of his grandmother and have someone ask it for the group of reporters and get it out of the way. I know they have a job and Josh has a job to answer those questions... but stuff like this is intimate. I couldn’t imagine showing up at work and having to continue to answer questions about a deceased family member. It’s hard enough as it is... Josh isn’t the type to really deflect. He seems to be a genuinely good person... so much so that he will answer whatever someone asks him and do his best to be polite about it. He’s really a true professional, but in return the reporters should have made an attempt to steer the discussion away from his loss pretty early on.
  23. I’m really impressed at how easily you make Diggs sound like JAG. You sir should write professionally.
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